Seems like we've gone from "it can't be done" to "it shouldn't be done."

Seriously Al, this kind of issue has been a concern of mine ever since I started making maps for GPS units and I've raised it in some other threads. Guy and I have exchanged some PM's on related topics in the past. So your point is taken. Perhaps this is a project that should has limited distribution?
I have a similar concern over a very accurate map I'm making of the Belco ruins. Just not sure that it would be a good idea to make that publicly available either.
Regarding Magellan vs Garmin, there really isn't any contest. An overwhelming number of people own Garmin devices. So, without even getting into the merits of each, if I want my maps to be useful to the majority of people they need to be in Garmin format. I also own a Magellan Triton 1500 and looked at some of the techniques to make compatible maps a couple years ago and wasn't so impressed. If there was an easy way to convert my maps to Magellan format, I'd do it. But then there would also need to be something comparable to GPSFileDepot for distributing them, and I don't think there is.
But ANYBODY with a computer can use my maps. Garmin's software - Basecamp and Mapsource - are free downloads and they can be used to view and print the maps even if somebody doesn't have a GPS.