bald eagle vs. pickerel


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
today a friend of mine and i were exploring the perimeter of lake Oswego in kayaks when an adult bald eagle made several very close appearances
the third time we were at the back end of the lake an the bald eagle was above us a couple hundered feet above at the level of the tree tops when he folded back his wings and went into a dive and headed for the front of the lake, just above lake level, on came the air brakes and and talon armed landing gear came down and did a 180 degree turn and snatched something out of the lake
it was too far to see what it was but you could see something hanging from the birds talons
now comes the strange part he flew over the tree tops towards andrews rd then back towards the lake right for us
at that point he started to circle and zig-zag at tree top level just above our kayaks, so low we now could identify the appx 18 inch pickerel dangling from the eagles talons, we could even see the fishes colors as well as the eagles head as it turned side to side to look at us, he stayed above us for 3 or 4 minuets just looking at us
at this time there were four of us, one of the kayakers said "what is the eagle going to do, drop the fish in one of our kayaks"
why this eagle behaivor ?
then he gained altituide and flew over the trees towards jenkins rd to eat his lunch or share it with its young ones


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Funny you mention that Stu. Today I was coming back from Whiting on Lacey road, and that nice looking lake at the Davenport Branch was on my right. An Osprey was hovering about 30 feet up about 50 yards from the car right next to the bank. As the car got nearer he came down like a rock onto the water.....WHAM! Then as I passed, I saw him struggle up with a pickeral in his talons, about 10" long. I was mesmerized, so I stopped the car and ran over to the gaurd rail, and here he comes toward me (after flying towards the cedars in the back) and he's still carrying the fish! Cool! So, he for some reason circles the lake 3 times in tighter circles while holding it, then he weaves off into the woods. I thought I could see him in the distance not holding it anymore.

I supposed it was Osprey as it had a white head and a large white patch underneath on his body.


Dec 11, 2005
Osprey/Bald Eagle

46'er, that is an INCREDIBLE photo--Oh-My-God!!!!! Here in FL, you often see Eagles chasing Ospreys after the latter make a catch, the eagles relentlessly chase the O's until they drop their prey, then the E's swoop in and, well, free meal! That odd behavior, with the Eagle sort of taking an aggressive posture with all y'all Kayakers, I would not be surprised if there is a nest in the vacinity, and he/she is not happy with your close proximity---who knows, I have been "attacked" by RT Hawks when getting close to a nest---in a Landcruiser with the top off, no less! Scarey! I do not recommend convertibles while getting close to hawk nests!!! LOL


Jan 13, 2006
Great photo 46er! I've had Osprey fly over me with their catch while I'm surf fishing. One trip an Osprey caught a striper that he had trouble getting out of the water because of the size. He flew right over me, it was his way of saying "ha, ha, I caught something and you didn't".


Oct 22, 2005
Bensalem, Pa
:) Sounds like Alfred Hitchcock stuff guys watch out. They were probably carrying signs thanking us humans for the DDT years ago. I had an osprey drop 10 ft in front of me in Tomoka state park in Fla. once. Too fast for me to react with the camera though.
Awesome pic.


Aug 12, 2005
camden county
Osprey seem to like to taunt people. Down at Manumuskin there are to nests that are right on the trail. I stopped walking the trail because they use to fly about 20 yards over my head. Even now I go way around there nests and they still squalk and harass me. There one of the more aggressive birds i've come across.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Speaking of birds of prey, I stumbled upon a very large dead red tail hawk at Dover Forge last nite. I will grab a tail feather or two after the smell is gone a little more.


Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
bobpbx said:
Speaking of birds of prey, I stumbled upon a very large dead red tail hawk at Dover Forge last nite. I will grab a tail feather or two after the smell is gone a little more.

Just a word of caution:

Unless you are posessed of both a state and federal scientific collector's permit that specifically covers the species of interest, it is illegal to be in possession of any native North American migratory bird or any part thereof.

Sorry 'bout that.



Jun 8, 2005
Estelline, SD
Furball1 said:
46'er, that is an INCREDIBLE photo--Oh-My-God!!!!! Here in FL, you often see Eagles chasing Ospreys after the latter make a catch, the eagles relentlessly chase the O's until they drop their prey, then the E's swoop in and, well, free meal! That odd behavior, with the Eagle sort of taking an aggressive posture with all y'all Kayakers, I would not be surprised if there is a nest in the vacinity, and he/she is not happy with your close proximity---who knows, I have been "attacked" by RT Hawks when getting close to a nest---in a Landcruiser with the top off, no less! Scarey! I do not recommend convertibles while getting close to hawk nests!!! LOL

Having had much experience at raptor nest I can attest that a few species species can be guaranteed to make painful physical contact with someone actually at their nest (great-horned owls, goshawks, Cooper's hawks) while the others here listed (red-tailed hawk, ferruginous hawk, kestrel, Harris hawk, prairie falcon, pigeon hawk, and marsh hawk) will fly and dive close to you, but won't actually make contact. I have it on reliable authority that the same applies to the osprey, bald and golden eagles, peregrine falcon, and gyrfalcon.

Some wildlife biologists whose duties take them to the nests of GHOwls, goshawks, and Cooper's hawks wear a military helmet with eyes painted on its dome. The helmet take the brunt of most "footings", but the occassional set of talon wounds in the neck and shoulders and warding / parrying arm are to be expected. Y'gotta love your work!



Jan 31, 2006
"The helmet take the brunt of most "footings", but the occassional set of talon wounds in the neck and shoulders and warding / parrying arm are to be expected. Y'gotta love your work!"

Man thats gotta hurt, I cringe just thinking about the talons of a GHOwl digging into my flesh LOL.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Thanks all, yes I took the picture. I have quite a few more, been involved with Osprey studies along Barnegat Bay. These birds are very protective of their nests and young, they will act aggressively towards anything coming close to their nests. Believe me, if they contact you it will hurt and can do substantial damage, just ask the Bass or that Pickerel. In hunting, they will hover, then fold the wings, dive and hit the water. Very impressive to see and hear. And to think, they were almost gone not too long ago.