I'm new to these forums. I've been lurking for a while but never registered.
On Saturday I was walking with my wife (and dog) along the cranberry bogs roads in Brendan T. Byrne when about halfway through our loop I spotted 3 Bald Eagles. 2 adults and a juvenile. Has anyone else spotted them? I walk these roads often looking for Belted Kingfishers but have never seen these guys around. I guess it's possible they were just passing through.
Anyway, I snapped a few pictures of them before we moved on. --Mark
I'm new to these forums. I've been lurking for a while but never registered.
On Saturday I was walking with my wife (and dog) along the cranberry bogs roads in Brendan T. Byrne when about halfway through our loop I spotted 3 Bald Eagles. 2 adults and a juvenile. Has anyone else spotted them? I walk these roads often looking for Belted Kingfishers but have never seen these guys around. I guess it's possible they were just passing through.
Anyway, I snapped a few pictures of them before we moved on. --Mark