Troeg's Nugget Nectar is around again. It's still good, but a buck more.
Theres been a lot of interesting articles in the past year or so on the price of beer going up, especially IPAs and ESBs. Apparently, much of the world's hops come from Europe and Australia, with the U.S. pretty damn paramount for our domestic brews as well as exporting. With Europe having one of the wettest years last year, and Australia experiencing all those droughts that made headlines, the hops that made it through these obstacles are definaley going to go up in retail. In the last few years, the U.S. began a nation-wide effort to get farmers of hops (as well as barley) to switch to more bio-fuel friendly crops, such as corn for ethanol. I dont think its feasible to say the Obama Admin. will stop or digress from these efforts, which I think is a great thing, however, we should all get used to the price of beer going up. Now some of those PBR and High Life posts seem more understanding and economical. For me, Ill keep spending what I can for the good stuff until I just cant afford it. Cheers.