Yikes. Their lager is darker than I remember it being. I think you threw me for a loop with your curious comment about it being 3/4's of the way to being a guiness stout. 

Bobpbx said:...its not what I'm looking for. I want something milder, smoother.
I'll keep trying
A sage once said something like, "It might just turn out to be the case that once you have finally found what you're looking for, you will find that it's no longer what you're looking for." That much has been true in my search for the true brew.
Sam Adams Golden Pilsner
I think you rite with the Honey Weiss.I stand corrected Leinenkugels Honey Weiss is that it???????
Yes, bingo!
It is the Leinenkugel's honey weiss. Pricey, at $8 something. But I like it.
But still, the search goes on for PERFECTION!
long-a-coming said:Is it a type of fern?
Can you tell us the significance of the framed picture in the latest installment. Is it a type of fern?