I actually wound up not going to Lebanon. I went to Barnegat Lighthouse State Park. And man was it worth it . . .
First we found this guy:
Who was later determined to be a purple sandpiper.
Next were these adorable Ruddy Turnstones:
They posed for us just as much as all the birds did that day.
Then a common Loon . . . diving in the water . . eating crabs . . he came pretty close at times:
And then the finale, Harlequin Ducks. Highly endangered . . . extremely beautiful, and they seemed to have no fear of us whatsoever.
They hung out right next to the jetty . . fussing, diving, flapping, and posing for us. They were so fearless, they chose the time we were closest to hop on the rocks and shake their tails a bit. Even for someone who isn't too thrilled about birds . . . this was a thrill. I HIGHLY recommend taking a trip out to Barnegat Light to see them while they're still there. We also saw a razorbill, every kind of scoter imaginable, long-tailed ducks, and gadwall.
Unfortunatly at around 11am my friend's bad back gave out and ended our trip. But still . . . we saw in two hours of birding what many people never see in 20 years of it. It was a good trip.