Blue Angels and Thunderbirds


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
By definition, it is a UFO (unidentified flying object)..... UFO does not mean E.T. spacecraft....These videos are part of a very large body of compelling data that has amassed since WW2...for me, it is not a matter of believing that these craft exist. I accept that they exist, and I've witnessed them myself (no, I wasn't under the influence, and I had another witness)....seeing is believing, so I certainly sympathize with your position...however, I'm confident that any open-minded person of intelligence studying the evidence will accept that there is a real mystery here, even if they themselves have never seen one....but I think you make a good point about people being conditioned to disbelieve....UFOS have largely been stigmatized, beginning with government disinformation campaigns in the 50s, and the fact that 95% of UFOlogy is BS doesn't help....but as Jon points out, there is that small minority of content that constitutes a genuine mystery...

Hank, you are saying that unidentified flying objects exist, and you have personally seen them, but you are unsure if they are extraterrestrial (not originating from Earth). Do I have that right?


Dec 14, 2019
where i am
Hey Jon, sure....I wish I had taken note of when exactly it was..but I saw it with my girlfriend at the time, so I can place it between 2008 and 2009. I know it was a cold, clear starry night (had a nice warm fire going) I'm guessing either late fall, winter or early spring. In any case, this is what we saw:

My gf says to me, "Look at this light moving around in the sky." She pointed upward and it took me a minute or so to find it.... Would have easily been confused for a star had it not been moving....I was perplexed..what was this thing? It was moving in graceful patterns..circles, semi circles and figure 8s...then, I noticed another one. I pointed it out to my gf and we continued to watch for a matter of a minute or two as these two lights did these really appeared to me as though they were sort of "dancing" with each other...and then, this is what made my jaw after the other, in a split second, they both shot off in a straight line in the same direction and were out of sight... Poof! Gone! we both gasped audibly at the same time...i was pretty elated. i had always been interested in UFOS since I was a kid..but as I got older and became a skeptical, critical thinker, I had come to dismiss the UFO phenomenon....but in that moment I realized that there is indeed something to it.... At the time, ET was the last option on the table for me.... I thought what I had seen was either cutting edge military tech or an unknown natural phenomenon. Oddly, I didn't give it much thought for about ten years until the NYT published that article in 2017....for whatever reason, I decided to delve into the UFO you point out, UFOlogy is mostly BS, but I enjoy sifting through the crap to get to the gold.... And there is helped immensely that I had my own sighting and knew there was something there...but I don't pretend to be any closer to knowing what it is....While I still believe it may possibly be natural phenomenon, I think that is very unlikely for a few reasons, one of which is the fact that the behaviour of the lights I witnessed fits the UFO prototype that has been documented for decades....I'm convinced that it is tech of some sort..some kind of craft....could it be man-made? possibly, but that prospect strains credulity for me, especially since this tech has evidently been around since it feasible that someone has had this tech for that long and kept it secret and not have used it in all that time? Seems incredibly unlikely. I suppose it could be human tech from the future, but time travel presents its own problems, to say the least.....

Toothy Critter

I am skeptical yet, open minded. I am not prone to sensationalism. But I will say this. almost 50 years ago, at Point Loma in San Diego, I saw something that I KNOW was not of this earth. And even after 50 more years of technology, I still don"t see anything that is capable of doing what I saw. Nuff said.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I am skeptical yet, open minded. I am not prone to sensationalism. But I will say this. almost 50 years ago, at Point Loma in San Diego, I saw something that I KNOW was not of this earth. And even after 50 more years of technology, I still don"t see anything that is capable of doing what I saw. Nuff said.

We have a dichotomy here. You say (of one sighting) you KNOW it was not of this earth, but you are still skeptical (doubt).


Dec 14, 2019
where i am
I am skeptical yet, open minded. I am not prone to sensationalism. But I will say this. almost 50 years ago, at Point Loma in San Diego, I saw something that I KNOW was not of this earth. And even after 50 more years of technology, I still don"t see anything that is capable of doing what I saw. Nuff said.

Would you mind sharing the details of your sighting? I'd be very interested to hear...

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
My wife and I saw a UFO last month while in Florida. I spotted an orange like dot just to the left of Venus and watched it for awhile to see what happened. At first it was motionless, and then it moved slowly to the right and then just vanished. Don’t know what it was, but it looked like it was way up there in space.


Dec 14, 2019
where i am
When you say it "just vanished," do you mean that it suddenly blinked out? Or did it dart off like the ones I saw? Were there any points of reference by which to determine its altitude?


Dec 14, 2019
where i am
Well...I've been on aircraft carriers a couple times during flight operations, and was on a Navy Base for 38 years. Many of the officers over me were former pilots. They are not supreme beings. Intelligent yes, I"ll give them that, but they are human. I was on the 3rd deck of the Eisenhower, and one came through the passageway talking to himself as if he's in front of his Commander replying to a question. Just making an observation.

Nobody said any human being is infallible. You really ought to familiarize yourself with the case if you're interested.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
When you say it "just vanished," do you mean that it suddenly blinked out? Or did it dart off like the ones I saw? Were there any points of reference by which to determine its altitude?
It moved from left to right for about 5 seconds and then was no longer in view. The only reference was Venus, but it looked very far away, like it was in space. It could have moved fast enough to be out of sight, who knows?

Toothy Critter

We have a dichotomy here. You say (of one sighting) you KNOW it was not of this earth, but you are still skeptical (doubt).
I meant that my personality is that I am not one to believe everything at face value, or because it was stated somewhere. But after seeing what I did, in this particular case, I believe :eek:

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
Medford a split second, they both shot off in a straight line in the same direction and were out of sight...

Your experience seems congruent with the "controlled vehicle" behavior that other people have witnessed, including David Fravor. I have seen interviews with Bob Lazar, and although some are skeptical, I also find his Area 51 story credible. And it explains how a craft can have a propulsion system than can achieve that kind of speed, and how the occupants can survive the G forces. Wish I had seen it!


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
My wife and I saw a UFO last month while in Florida. I spotted an orange like dot just to the left of Venus and watched it for awhile to see what happened. At first it was motionless, and then it moved slowly to the right and then just vanished. Don’t know what it was, but it looked like it was way up there in space.

Would you know if there were any launches from Kennedy at that time. When Wallops has a launch there is usually a bunch of UFO sightings.


Dec 14, 2019
where i am
Your experience seems congruent with the "controlled vehicle" behavior that other people have witnessed, including David Fravor. I have seen interviews with Bob Lazar, and although some are skeptical, I also find his Area 51 story credible. And it explains how a craft can have a propulsion system than can achieve that kind of speed, and how the occupants can survive the G forces. Wish I had seen it!

There are issues with his story that I can't get past, but it is interesting nonetheless....

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
So, you believe there is a secret base where the government has been reverse-engineering captured alien spacecraft for decades?...

Boyd, I found Bob Lazar credible. I didn't say I am all in on his story. The jury is certainly still out. On the other hand, In order to believe him, you have to believe that the US Government will engage in disinformation and coverup. I check that box yes.

I do believe David Fravor's story (close to 100%), because he flew with two other pilots and there is concrete video evidence that has been confirmed by the Pentagon.