Event Summary:
boydsmaps.com went down at 7:30 PM on Friday, March 29 and came back up at 9:00 PM on Tuesday, April 2 with full restoration of all content by 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 4.
To make a long story short, the hosting company rushed into migrating the site to a new server without advance discussion, as we had planned. I calculated their method would take over two weeks due to the very large amount of data and slow interface on the old server - something they apparently didn't consider.
It became clear that the fastest way to restore the site would be to do it myself since my internet is more than 10 times faster than their connection to the old server (the new server is much faster). The site consists of two terabytes of data and 73 million files, which made things difficult. Basically, the process was like rebuilding a house, brick by brick.
But we're back now, on a faster server with three terabytes of disk - plenty of room for new maps!
Note: I've deleted all the old updates about the outage since it's over and time to look ahead instead of back.