Campers at Columbus?

Kevin early

New Member
Apr 20, 2007
Ok, it looks like we have a possible link to some real Camp Columbus History!

I was able to contact someone gave me the name of the NJ State KofC Historian. I just got off the phone with him, he lives in Monroe, and he remembers my Dad and Camp Columbus very well. His name is Joe Luciano and he asaid that he even worked in the Mess Hall a few times.

He said that he is sure that he can pull together much material such as articles, paperwork, possibly pictures, and even copies of the Cavalcade which was the State KofC Newspaper.

I said that I would give him a chance to round up what he could and call him to see if I could visit him sometime after Memorial Day.

Will keep you posted,

Jack... Has anybody asked the Knights to establish a Camp Columbus webpage? Just a thought. Kevin


Camp Columbus Website

I'd say that's a great idea about a website. Once I get a look at any material that the KofC has in their possesion we could consider proposing it to them. At first I'd say that we could discuss registering for a domain name with the fellow that I'll be seeing. He might have to go through the NJ State Council but it's worth a shot.

Will keep everyone posted.


Gary Smith

New Member
Apr 30, 2007
Redwood City, CA
Hello to All !

A week ago I thought about my summers at Camp Columbus and with the advent of the internet I thought I'd see it it was still in operation. When I found this forum I was pleasantly surprised to find so many "old" campers out there. I attended the camp for 2 weeks in 1956 and was a Season Camper in 1957. When I read Jack Granneli's account of the swimming test, my mind filled with memories of diving off the bridge over the dam, swimmimg around the raft and back without stopping. A big challange for this 11 year old. I remember a counsler, I believe his namy was Jim Clancy, who could do the entire swim under water!

I have much to share and numerous photos once I dig them out of the old dusty box. It's good to share what were for me innocent fun filled days in the Jersey pines.

Best to all !

Gary Smith


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Welcome Gary! I am sure many of the campers would love to see the photo's.


Gary Smith

New Member
Apr 30, 2007
Redwood City, CA
Does anyone recall what I remember as "Zell Ball", a tennis ball teathered to a line attached to a tall pole. 2 would play, hitting the ball with what I remember to be ping pong paddles until you got the ball and line wrapped around the pole in the direction you were swinging?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Do you remember how to get to the Ghost Factory? What was it?

We think we know where it was located, but it would be interesting to get your input.

BTW, there is another thread on Camp Columbus. If you have not viewed it do a search for it using the Search on this page.


Gary Smith

New Member
Apr 30, 2007
Redwood City, CA

I don't recall the Ghost Factory but I do vaguley remember Ghost Hunts in the Pines at night. Sandy paths through the trees, lizards and a gathering afterwards. So hard to recall details after 50+ years. When I get the photos out, hopefully that will jog this old memory.

Summer retreats like Camp Columbus I believe, are sorley missing in today's culture. Camp Columbus taught many lessons, friendship, responsibility and respect while wrapping it in a venue that encouraged youthful development and sports. IPods and video games just don't measure up!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Does anybody know the depth of Bamber Lake? Can't seem to find it anywhere? Kevin

Kevin, I live in Bamber. The depth varies wildly. There is a spot where you can stand up in the middle, and your knees almost show. I know one stump in the same general location, where if you stand up on it, your ankles show. Quite a surprise to people looking on from the road 100 yards away.

The channel of Cedar Creek is another story (as it winds through the lake). It looks to be about 12 feet in some spots. Its very clear, can see all the way down.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
. I know one stump in the same general location, where if you stand up on it, your ankles show. Quite a surprise to people looking on from the road 100 yards away.

Hey Bob, you ought to put on a long haired wig, fake beard, and a robe and then go stand out on that stump. That should really make the onlookers do a double take.


New Member
Mar 6, 2007
Great memories

Well its 0530h in the early morning.Its cold and windy here in Utah..I could not sleep.So I thought I would take a trip down memory lane.
After reading all the testimonies by former Camp Columbus alumni..I decided to chime in with my own.The memories came flooding back this am.I remember the cold mornings in camp.Waking up to the freezing cold(even though it was June,July,or August).We would sleep with our cloths on in our sleeping bags to try to stay warm.I recall with fond memories the canoe battle with water balloons on the lake.The boxing matches.My younger brother won his match.I beleive he was awarded some kind of patch for his victory.I was at the camp in the late fifties 1958-1959..I remember Joe Samanchek(not sure of the spelling)The Mess Hall and of course "Bug Juice".I was really upset because I left my baseball cap there one day and never got it back.Ican't forget the "Canteen" every night" where we would get candy and soda..Then watch a movie..I especially remember one night I looked out the back window..And it was either a camp consulor(wearing a mask of a devil) or it was the Jersy Devil himself..I just remeber being scared to death to go around back after we were let out to go back to our cabins..and as all the rest of you.I can jog the memory about all the hiking we did.Especially the "railroad trestle" the foundation remains,The horseshoe,etc..I never was much into the leather craft.
Any way I just thought I would share some of my memories from so long ago.By the way my experience at Camp Columbus provied helpful.When I went to the Fort Dix in the summer of 1967..Thanks for all the great memories you have unlocked of a great childhood in the Jersey Pines.
Hail oh Hail oh Camp Columbus
In the Jersey Pines


Jan 11, 2006
That news awaited us when we returned Sunday night, and later that evening my father started complaining of a very sudden onset massive headache. None of us knew it at the time (and neither did the art and science of medicine), but that very likely was the "first-bleeding" harbinger of the massive cerebral hemmorhage (aneurysm rupture) that killed him in minutes on April 28.

I lost my grandmother in a similar way in 1998. She had a severe headache and pretty soon was unable to communicate with anyone and started speaking crazy. An ambulance was called but her brain was so severely damaged. She did survive for about a year, on machines, but was "brain dead". It was a horrible time, and when my uncle (who was legal guardian) finally got permission to take her off the machines, she didn't last much longer than a couple of weeks.
In ways I think "science" made her suffer more, by prolonging her misery before her eventual death. Once the brain is damaged, it's too late. It didn't help that my grandmother was stubborn and refused help, when the headache started she should have been taken to the hospital. Who knows if it would've saved her though. In a matter of hours I lost my grandmother.
She was 73 when it happened.


Jan 11, 2006
Wow, what a thread. It's like reading a book, hearing everyone's camp stories. There is a Boy Scout camp out in Suffolk county here on Long Island, I think it's the Roosevelt troop.
It's in Wading River and is known as the Schiff camp. There is public access to Deep Pond (for fishing only) on weekdays in winter only. But the property is wooded and according to Google Earth, mostly undeveloped.
It's important we preserve these places so our kids get away from commercial pollution (Ipods, video games,etc).
The camp in Wading River used to be called camp Wauwipex.
I wonder did they use any kind of bug repellents then? I wonder if the scouts avoid them. Someone in a group I recently when on a hike with say they use those lint rollers on their clothes after they are done hiring to remove the ticks.
Of course back then there wasn't Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever.


Sep 7, 2005
This is a magnificent thread. This thing could literally be it's own forum.
How 'bout it Ben... Just a joke.
It's got to be breaking a post record is it not?



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It's got to be breaking a post record is it not?


It past the sawmill thread by 100 views. You can check that by clicking on the "view" link above all the threads. The next one in line is the Plane Crash at Bear Swamp Hill.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I have a question for the former campers. I found a chair in the lake. It was very unusual, stained very dark mahogany, had three legs, with a design cut out in the back. It was extremely durable and well made, the screws were covered with dowel (or they actually were dowels). I finally got rid of it cause I could not discover if it was old or not.

Do any of you remember these? Maybe they used them at the mess hall?