Capewell Glass Negative Collection


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Now that is a classic shot. There is no doubt that is the only photo of that location in existence. He just needed to name it :bang:

A nice addition for sure! Thanks for that one.

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Willceau Illo sent me two similar photographs today to identify for him and he will be posting one of the images this Thursday. Capewell evidently exposed these two negatives on the same day as the sawdust pile and the sawmill scene posted over the past two Thursdays. Based on the well known location of this coming Thursday’s image, I entertain very little doubt that the sawmill and sawdust photographs that Willceau Illo posted over the last two weeks stood at Sandy Ridge and belonged to one Robert Mead and Mulford F. Crane. So now Teegate knows the physical appearance of the Mead & Crane sawmill! I will refrain from posting anymore information now to prevent someone from guessing the upcoming photo before it is posted. I will supply additional data on Thursday.

Best regards,
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I will guess it is the Carranza Memorial. If so, I would agree it is that sawmill. That would be one of the rarest photo's ever taken of the pines.

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Apr 4, 2011
Now that Jerseyman and Wilceau have pinned downed the location of the sawmill, I'm inspired to circle around the M and C sawmill base to see if any of the saw dust remains. There would have to be something still left from a pile of that size. I am going to have to take a close look at the shadows in the photographs to help with what direction it is away from the enclosure. I only know the old mill as a crumbled concrete base with rods sticking out of it. It is nice to see the building and life surrounding the area in the photograph.


Jan 2, 2003
I am not so sure the picture is of the saw mill located here (I wish it were).

The foundation of the mill are substantial and partly intact. They're parallel to the road, whereas the mill in the photo is not. Also there is an immediate and substantial hill to the south of the mill. If the picture is of this mill it would have been taken from the hill looking north. There are way too many trees in the photo. If this photo is associated with the the photos of the memorial it would place it at 1930 or later.
Not the road leading to the RR tracks in this 1930 aerial.


Gibby, when you go back, take a copy of the picture with you and make sure you walk the trail up the hill immediately actoss the road from the mill (not the Batona Trail).

Why would they go to the trouble to move the saw dust so far from the mill. Did it have any value then? I use saw dust for horse bedding.


Jan 2, 2003
I'm going to let my last post stand, but in looking at the picture of the mill again, it might possibly be it. It's all about the vantage point.
I was assuming the road in front of the mill is the road running east - west in the aerials. If it is the road running to the RR tracks and there is a road on the other side of the mill than just maybe this is it.
That would place the camera and possibly the saw dust pile here.

You may be correct and I appreciate the due diligence you put into your fact-finding. Here, however, is a 1951 aerial view of the same sawmill from

Mead & Crane Sawmill, 1951.jpg

My sense is that all of the roads line up exactly with the Capewell photograph and even the long enclosure for the mill looks right.

Thank you for your help with identifying the Capewell sawmill image, whether or not it turns out to be the Mead & Crane mill.

Best regards,


Jan 2, 2003
I can see in the picture where everything seems to line up , except that the foundations of the saw and adjacent brick cellar hole are located at the X. The red arrow denotes it's orientation and the arrow points in the direction this picture was taken. The cellar hole is behind the anchor bolt structure.

Carranza Sawmill Location.jpg


Thus my skepticism,
I fully understand your skepticism, Ed, but my interpretation of the 1951 aerial photo includes the enclosed sawmill shed at the red arrow with Capewell standing about where I placed the red “X”:

Mead & Crane Sawmill, 1951.jpg

So if someone could check this location on their next visit to Sandy Ridge, I think they will find remnants of a sawmill where I have placed the arrow on the aerial.

Best regards,


Jan 2, 2003
Now I understand your interpretation, I will go soon to check it out. You are right about a structure at the red arrow. I interpreted it as living quarters from the artifacts there. We still have fondations where I placed the X but it could be yet another saw. I was trying to place the picture in relation to the foundations I found. This will be a fun project.
Now I understand your interpretation, I will go soon to check it out. You are right about a structure at the red arrow. I interpreted it as living quarters from the artifacts there. We still have fondations where I placed the X but it could be yet another saw. I was trying to place the picture in relation to the foundations I found. This will be a fun project.

Thank you, Ed, for volunteering to check this site out; I appreciate it! I look forward to your report when you return.

Best regards,