"Carded" Cell Phone


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
I'm looking for a Christmas gift for an older person with vision problems: She would like a "carded" (activated with a prepaid card) cell phone with a large screen and large buttons. She has no intention of photgraphing anyone with the phone, nor does she envision textmessaging anyone, connecting to the Internet or blowing--up ballons with it. She just wants a portable telephone that she can use in an emergency: NO CALLING PLAN ! ! !

To date, the only such phones I have found are little bigger than a credit card. Way too small!

Samsung seems to have something that might do, although I have not seen it in person... However, it comes only with a "calling plan: :jeffd:



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
My cousin is blind and uses a smaller phone than me. All they need to do is practice and they can use any phone. He can do more with his phone than I could ever dream of.

If you are looking for one without a plan where you pay per call, be careful what you buy. Cingular who I use is making me get a new more modern phone to stay on their system. I have until March to get it. All my family has switched over except me.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Cingular who I use is making me get a new more modern phone to stay on their system.


Look on ebay for the Ericsson T39. It's an older, unlocked GSM phone which means that it will work on Cingular's newer network. It also has Bluetooth. It doesn't have a camera or a color screen, but it's built well, has excellent voice quality, and is dirt cheap.

I have one and I love it. I keep thinking about "upgrading" to the Razr and then realize that my T39 is just such an awesome, awesome phone and I don't want or need all of the extra crap that comes on newer phones.

I paid $65 including shipping to get it.


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
Although not a card phone per se, you should look into this one:


Thanks, Bob!

I've seen magazine ads for those, too... I think they're made by Samsung.
If I could get a $10.00/month plan that only costs $10.00 per month :jeffd:, then I might consider it. However, by the time they keep piling--on all of those crazy fees and taxes, it'd probably cost more like $15.00 per month ---about $5.00 more a month than I want to pay.

With the "carded" dealies, you know what you're getting upfront.



May 2, 2006
southern NJ
If you truly only need a phone in case of emergency, any unactivated cell phone will dial 911. You could get an old Nokia phone with large buttons.

There's also the Firefly phone which is really aimed more at kids, but could be senior friendly too, I suppose. http://www.fireflymobile.com/phone/?osCsid=96a502789ba975e409b6d508004c54c1

Thanks, Ben.

It would probably be used more than for just making calls to 911. However, I shall attempt to remember that.

The "firefly" seems simple enogh to use, but the PRICE !!! ...and it has a "calling plan" --- which is also, probably, way overpriced!

Good ideas, but not exactly what I'm looking for...



May 2, 2006
southern NJ
My cousin is blind and uses a smaller phone than me. All they need to do is practice and they can use any phone. He can do more with his phone than I could ever dream of.

If you are looking for one without a plan where you pay per call, be careful what you buy. Cingular who I use is making me get a new more modern phone to stay on their system. I have until March to get it. All my family has switched over except me.



Younger people with disabilities tend to compensate for them in some way. That's what you're probably experiencing with your cousin. I my case, I'm dealing with a senior citizen, someone who is not disabled, and someone who has no reason to "compensate"...

We older folks view telephones as, well, "telephones." We don't want to take pictures, send text messages, access the Internet, grill chickens or watch films with them. Just, plain, old, voice communication --- Caller ID is good...

We don't want to loop them over our ears, attach them to a bill of a baseball hat, or stick them up our noses. We are used to holding them to our ears.

Most of us have presbyopia, so it would be nice if we could view the screen without using a magnifying glass...

Also, bigger buttons are better for those of us with arthritis: We've got it!

As you've seen, Guy, "calling plans" are a "rip--off." We don't need that, too!

Thanks for the input, Guy.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
\As you've seen, Guy, "calling plans" are a "rip--off." We don't need that, too!

Thanks for the input, Guy.


I agree. I am not a phone person, so I use the pay per call plan. When I am forced to upgrade I have to either go with the 25 cents per call plan, or the $1 per day plan mobile to mobile with Cingular members. The $1 per day plan is even a rip off for me because I may go weeks without receiving or placing a call on my phone. When I do my calls are almost always less than a minute so I only pay 25 cents. My kids went with the $1 a day and the time goes down fast. They are thinking of switching to the 25 cents plan.



May 2, 2006
southern NJ
Last week CVS was running a "special" on the Oystr (evidently manufactured by Kyocera, but being "hawked" by Virgin in the U.S.)...


Unfortunately, each and every unit was packaged in one of those tough, plastic "bubbles," which requires a hatchet, saw, Bowie knife or machete to open, so I have no clue what the thing looks like when it is open. It is a carded "phone," but it comes with a bewildering array of features that, from prior experience, will probably be too complicated (prone to "accessing" the wrong feature, instead of just activating the "telephone mode) for an elderly person to use. Also, I have no clue as to how big the screen and the buttons are.

Does anyone own or have any experience with the "Oystr" or the "Shorty"?

Doesn't anyone make (and sell) a "carded" cell phone with a big screen (large numbers) and big buttons anymore? Ding--a--ling??? :jeffd:
