At the end of cemetary road in Knowlton is........a cemetary.,-75.015271&spn=0.001913,0.003573&t=k&z=18&om=1
what I didn't know until after I had left was that the small round structure at the top of the cemetary used to be a 1 room schoolhouse circa 1850 and unfortunately did not take a picture because I thought it was probably just a storage facility, which nowadays I'm sure it is. Many old headstones from the civil war era and the inscription on one particuliar stone required a photo. Its difficult to read the from the pic but it reads:
Remember me as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me
This kid died in 1888 and was 18 years old.,-75.015271&spn=0.001913,0.003573&t=k&z=18&om=1
what I didn't know until after I had left was that the small round structure at the top of the cemetary used to be a 1 room schoolhouse circa 1850 and unfortunately did not take a picture because I thought it was probably just a storage facility, which nowadays I'm sure it is. Many old headstones from the civil war era and the inscription on one particuliar stone required a photo. Its difficult to read the from the pic but it reads:
Remember me as you pass by
As you are now so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me
This kid died in 1888 and was 18 years old.