The house number in 1940 for the Theodore Kell home was 138 Atsion Road. His education only went to 6Th. grade. He was 68 years old. His wife Anna only went to 3rd grade and she was 69 years old in 1940. They were both born in NJ. As for Maude Kell her address was 140 Atsion Road and he lived alone. His education was to 7th grade and was born in PA.
To add more to this .... at 137 Atsion Road we had Samuel Giberson. with his wife and two daughters.
At 141 Atsion Road next to Maude we had the Small family. I believe his name was Leason. Not sure if that is correct. Anyway, his wife was Dorothy and a son Arnold. Leason was a Farm Manager.
Now this one is very interesting. If you have read Beck's books you may remember the name William Augustine. He was one of Beck's photographers or at least Beck used some of his photos. He and his wife Dorothy lived at 142 Atsion Road. he was born in Camden and she was from New Castle Delaware. His occupation is listed as Photographer Newspaper.