Chiggers are out in full force already...


Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
Found this.Parts maybe true,
---Chiggers are not true insects,,They are mites belonging to the Arachnid group that includes spiders, ticks and scorpions." ,,,They are the larval form of the mite,,,,,EWWWWWW!
---These tiny little horrible things are covered with hair and have razor-sharp mandibles,,,
---It is when the chigger's saliva starts dissolving the skin cells and the human's immune system starts making a tube of hardened skin as an allergic reaction that the chigger then USES THIS TUBE LIKE A STRAW, sucking up the dissolved skin cells. Then a welt starts to form and the person starts to itch and scratch like a fiend.
---They bite women and children more than men because of thinner skin!!!
---They become completely inactive when substrate temperatures fall below 60 degrees,,,temperature below 42 degrees will kill the chigger species that bite us.
---Chiggers actively avoid objects hotter than 99 degrees,,,in other words, hot rocks baking in the sun are not something they gravitate to,,,
---In Asia and the Pacific chiggers can transmit disease called scrub typhus, but not here,,,not yet,,,
---Adult chiggers eat small invertebrates, their eggs, and organic matter,,,Adults live on the soil.
---Their entire life cycle can require from two months to one year and as many as 1-5 generations may be produced per year depending on the temperature, moisture, and location,,,
---Chiggers natural enemies are animals that feed on mites, such as small salamanders, beetles, ants, centipedes, larger mites, and spiders.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
at least in Cumberland county. I am still scratching my legs as I type this. Earliest I can remember them starting up.
John D. I just looked on your page and see your from Dorchester.Thats about ten minutes from me.I'm in Laurel Lake.One of my best buds is from Leesburg. Haven't gotten any chiggers yet myself.I know the season is approaching,sounds like they got an early start this year,time to break out the Peremethrin.


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
Dorchester, NJ

I grew up in Heislerville, lived in Millville for a number of years and moved back down to Maurice River Township about 2 years back. My sister actually lives in Laurel Lake as well.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I grew up in Millville,Dividing Creek,Laurel Lake and lived in Belleplain a couple years as an adult.I know a few folks in Heislerville as well,my brother in law and ex brother in law are both from Delmont and my ex son in law lives in Leesburg.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I wasn't aware there was another Laurel lake,thats cool.there is another Millville also,one in NJ up right next to High Point,they mistakenly sent Millville senior highs year books there once and I don't know how because it is so small they don't have their own zip code.there is also a Millville,Pa,I stopped and did my laundry there while camping once.some locals asked me where I was from and I told em Millville,they said I sounded as if I was from somewhere else,I told em yes I was from down south they said where down south and I said south jersey,they thought that was quite funny:)


Feb 14, 2009
In an older topic, a suggestion was made to use "Total Kill" from Home Depot and dilute 5 to 1. The sole ingredient was Permethrin. I used to buy the spray version Permanone from Walmart. Both the Total Kill and Permanone are no longer available. I've read just about every insecticide label in Home Depot, Lowes and a few garden centers. It appears Permethrin is getting harder to find.

There is Sawyers .5% Permethrin available at Dicks Sporting Goods for $15. Quite pricey if you use a lot. Without ordering Permethrin from the Internet, which I can, has anyone found a local supply like the Total Kill was?

BTW, some are saying the Permethrin doesn't work for them. Well it does for me and my friends if used correctly. No it won't work if you walk around in sandals or bare feet or if you don't tape your pants to the top of your boots. Also give a light spray to your socks.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
peremethrin is still available under the brand name Duranon from Jims Blackwater hunting and fishing store on route 47 50 yards south of Garden road in vineland ,nj on the west side of the road.It was about ten bucks a can last year.we got it a cew months ago there anyway.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Looks like REI now carries the the Permanone brand that they used to sell at WalMart:

I have been using the Sawyer Permethrin Clothing and Gear aerosol cans that both Dick's and REI used to sell, although I don't see it on their sites anymore (I stocked up on it last year and haven't looked for it recently). Looks like they now sell the pump spray version you mentioned though.

The Sawyer aerosol cans are a mess, they drip all over the place when you spray them. I don't understand what the problem is since I've never seen another aerosol can do this. And it wasn't just an isolated batch, I have cans from different stores purchased at different times. I will definitely get the pump spray variety next time, or maybe the permanone from REI.

I've been using permthrin for the past 6 years (see: and find it incredibly effective against ticks but not very effective on chiggers. I am a landowner and am out in the woods every day. I always wear long pants, hiking boots and heavy socks with the pants tucked in. All of these are treated with permethrin.

Yet I still get some chigger bites if I wander off the trail (which I pretty much always do). If permethrin keeps you from getting chigger bites then I envy you. :)


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I use Peremethrin and also do the socks tucked in thing and I never get any ticks or chiggers when doing this,if I have a short sleeved shirt on and do heavy bushwacking i may get a few on my untreated bare arms,even when i don't tuck my pants in my socks I still don't get any as long as I spray my boots.Maybe I'm just not as chigger tasty though if I go unprepared they do work a number on me.


Feb 14, 2009
Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I forgot to mention I also spray my boots. So far so good on the chiggers but of course that can change. I don't know about other Dicks Sporting good locations but the one in Manahawkin had a fair stock of the Sayers in both aerosol and pump spray if anyone is interested. I bought 2 pump spray for my friends.

I'm the cheap type and am looking for the "homemade" variety by diluting like the Total Kill 2.5% was. I think I have enough to last the season but not enough for next season. I didn't realize it is being phased out, or at least it appears to be. A few friends were getting loaded with ticks 50 to 80 a trip!! I offered them my Permethrin for the day and thought I'd do them a favor and buy them their own Total Kill with the instructions to dilute. That's when I found the difficulty in locating, thus my search. Looks like I'll probably order some concentrate through the Internet and dilute down to .5% when used. I may buy a couple bottles in case it's phased out completely.


Apr 4, 2011
1Jerseydevil, if you are daring enough for "homemade", check your local livestock feed houses or saddle shop for Hi-yield or Durvet 10% Permethrin. If I remember correctly on quart makes twenty five gallons of spray, so diluting either product even more, one quart will probably last you forever. I have friends who have horses and they use both brands successfully on their farms.


Feb 14, 2009
Gibby, thanks for the info. I guess I'll try Tractor Supply. I think there's one in Cream Ridge?
As long as there are no other chemicals besides the Permethrin I see no harm in making your own dilution. After all as you say it's used directly on livestock. There is also a dog bath version. Spraying on clothes and boots, not soaking in it. While I admit no chemical is good, you have to weigh the options, in this case I'll take the chemical. I believe Permethrin was originally developed for the military? Not saying there haven't been repercussions of other military chemical treatments.


Apr 4, 2011
1Jerseydevil, try Rick's Saddle Shop up from the golf course on Rt. 539. I work with pesticides everyday for a living. Permethrin is nothing to fear. It is a very common chemical used in a wide range of products for use by humans. I have a bigger fear of Round-up. Most of the Permethrin livestock products have effective residual of 28 days, so it has to applied once every month.

BTW-You already know this, but wear rubber gloves when you are mixing, as with any chemical concentrate, multiple exposures over a long period time, may be harmful.