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Aug 18, 2015
Atco NJ
Went to Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge yesterday and it wasn't too crowded on the loop. We didn't get out of car, lookouts closed but trails open. Maybe people don't realize some things are still open


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Headed there either today or tomorrow. It will be packed. I read the loop is in bad shape? The fed stuff is hit or miss; Gateway at Sandy Hook is closed, but that's an NRA. DWG NRA is open, but Old Mine Road thru Worthington is closed. :rolleyes:


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Headed there either today or tomorrow. It will be packed. I read the loop is in bad shape? The fed stuff is hit or miss; Gateway at Sandy Hook is closed, but that's an NRA. DWG NRA is open, but Old Mine Road thru Worthington is closed. :rolleyes:
My wife and I were there today on the motorcycle. We parked in the main lot and did some trail walking. No crowds, no virus and no uncivil acts by anyone. Saw one group of three with masks. Loop looked like it had the normal traffic flow but we didn’t do it today.


Mar 6, 2016
Forked River
Was out walking with my 2 dogs at Old Halfway on Sunday. No one was around beside and a man and young girl sitting on the tailgate of a pick-up throwing stones in the water. They were on the main beach along the road on the south east side. I was circumnavigating the lake. When a 4 door jeep and another SUV with wood pallets tied to the roof pulled up on the beach within 20 feet of the man and girl. It was like a clown car at the circus. People just started pouring out of the vehicles. They threw the pallets on the ground pulled out a case of some type of alcohol, and starting conversing with each other like they were at a beach party. Clearly these people were not practicing social distancing with themselves or the occupants in the other vehicle. They acted like they had not a care in the world. The man and young girl quickly got in their truck and fled. The people with the jeep pulled out an ax and started chopping down small pine trees and then used the jeep to pull others down too. These are the very people that ruin it for everyone else! They are the very ones that will cause the WMAs to be closed next, just like the state parks. Not to mention their wanton destruction of the trees. Then they started to drive through the water. I left quickly wondering (hoping) if the jeep would get stuck or drive out a little to far and sink. I was so pissed off at their behavior. They probably left their garbage too!


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Was out walking with my 2 dogs at Old Halfway on Sunday. No one was around beside and a man and young girl sitting on the tailgate of a pick-up throwing stones in the water. They were on the main beach along the road on the south east side. I was circumnavigating the lake. When a 4 door jeep and another SUV with wood pallets tied to the roof pulled up on the beach within 20 feet of the man and girl. It was like a clown car at the circus. People just started pouring out of the vehicles. They threw the pallets on the ground pulled out a case of some type of alcohol, and starting conversing with each other like they were at a beach party. Clearly these people were not practicing social distancing with themselves or the occupants in the other vehicle. They acted like they had not a care in the world. The man and young girl quickly got in their truck and fled. The people with the jeep pulled out an ax and started chopping down small pine trees and then used the jeep to pull others down too. These are the very people that ruin it for everyone else! They are the very ones that will cause the WMAs to be closed next, just like the state parks. Not to mention their wanton destruction of the trees. Then they started to drive through the water. I left quickly wondering (hoping) if the jeep would get stuck or drive out a little to far and sink. I was so pissed off at their behavior. They probably left the left a lot of garbage too.

Did you notify anyone of the incident ?

If not, it would have been extremely helpful if you called in that incident to the State, assuming you were on State property. The 877 WARN DEP number (877-927-6337) works for all Parks and Forestry and Fish and Wildlife violator calls. I have used it several times and it has brought immediate action every time I called it. The call is dispatched to Park Police or Conservation Officers that are already in the area. If you were on private land, a simple 911 call could have been made.

Standing idly by and watching that incident unfold would not have been an option for me or anyone in my circle of friends and family.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
These are the very people that ruin it for everyone else!
I wonder why New Jersey has over 68,000 cases of the virus and is second only to NY. I took Scott's advice a few years ago to keep the DEP number in my backpack, laminated the card. Put it in my phone too.
2020-12-28-DEP phone.jpg


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I don't wonder Jon. They are right next to New York, and also have a lot of crowding up there. They are used to walking right down the block to the liquor store, or bar, and they have a lot of cabbies and bus drivers (and buses). Many things related to density.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Don't forget up Sussex county way.Those folks are no more citified then we are. Crowding to me seems to bring out the worst in people.No matter what section of the country your in the more urban the population the more rude the people generally seem to be.Not saying that even in the heart of cities some folks are quite decent just we have obnoxious people out in the boondocks as well.
I read a study done on laboratory rats once and I forget the density of rats per square yard but every time they reached a certain density no matter how well fed the rats were they turned on each other and killed one another and then started eating each other. Doesn't surprise me to see similar behavior in us though I definitely see no biological connection between the two.

Jon Holcombe

Dec 1, 2015
I don't buy that all people in North Jersey are too stupid too protect themselves.
I'm not sure where Old Halfway is exactly, but my observation was based on the behavior of close socializing and partying in the middle of a pandemic, not geographic location. I lived in Maplewood, which borders Newark, for five years in the 60's. I had friends whose fathers were lawyers in Manhattan and friends whose parents had more modest jobs like me, a graphic designer.

I mentioned New Jersey, based on a lifetime of living in South, and North, Jersey.
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