You would need an M1A1 to break thru that thing.
It has a easy fix but state rep cant seem to grasp itWe just need to let the state sort this all out.
So in simple terms, the gate is legal?
I hope the State moves swiftly.
2. The road at 206 where the gate is installed is not the official West Mill Road nor is it Paradise Drive. It is unnamed public right of way with the location deemed "as traveled" . Eventually this road joins with "Paradise Drive" further into the woods. (see attached marked tax maps) Everyone I know calls the road from its origin at 206 West Mill Road but that is not what the Town considers it on their maps.
\The resolution lacks the detail I would expect to see for this type of action (tax map references, coordinates, an attached map, etc.)
The State of NJ interactive tax map lists the "unnamed public road" as Sycamore Road, and it shows the current access to Paradise Lakes (not on Hammonton tax map), as "W Mills Rd". Does that mean that the main access road to Paradise Lakes is a state road through Wharton? I wonder where the state pulls the data from for the map? If it was just a codification of municipal tax maps, then the roads, and the road names, would match the Hammonton tax map.
For your viewing pleasure:
The original March 2017 Town resolution and the deed prior to Miller Farms taking title.
Look at the legal description of the property.
A surveyor's worst nightmare or endless cash waterfall; depending on how you priced it..