The water level dropped quickly. Even the bed of the river must have sucked it up.It was fine this past weekend, although there is lots of sugarsand around. Was surprised how dry most places around that area were, after all the rain we had.
“Gage”….hmmThe water level dropped quickly. Even the bed of the river must have sucked it up.
Mullica River near Batsto NJ
View attachment 18339
Don't you start that now!“Gage”….hmm
I decided to not challenge this wet hole a couple weeks ago. I turned around. One of those situations where you say 'I might make this, but if I don't I have to bother other people to pull me out, and I'm in deep, and that is just not worth it". I was heading south.I was thinking of driving there from Atsion, using "Railroad Ave" which becomes Batsto Fireline Road, then Atsion-Batsto Road. Has anyone traveled it recently?