cranberry bog pumping station?


New Member
Mar 21, 2003
winslow township
I was looking at your photo galleries (found your page through the yahoo group, it's great) and I was wondering where the pumping station was located. I've heard about it before, but I've never seen pictures of it until now. Is it in a no tresspassing area?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It is not on private property as far as I know, and you can get right to it in your vehicle. It is located above Martha Furnace along the Oswego River.

The exact location is at the red target symbol at the below link. There is a road going to it that is not shown on the map.

I would recommend a 4x4 to get there. You can access Martha Furnace and the station at the road across from the Harrisville ruins. The entrance is at the below link. Depending on where you live you can access it from other directions, but it you are not certain go in from Harrisville.

The entrance to Martha at Harrisville shown at the red target symbol.

The GPS Readings are:


Here is an aerial photo of it. The far right white area near the bottom is the pumping station and the road to and around it.



New Member
Mar 21, 2003
winslow township
Thanks. I've tried to find Martha furnace before and ended up really lost. My friend has been to Harrisville though, so I'll probably go with him. I'll let you know if I find it. Thanks again.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
You know you are at Martha Furnace when you see the fenced in area in the middle of the woods. That was the furnace site that they had to protect it from vandals. Walk behind the fenced in area and you can walk the slag heaps. Also, stand in the road in front of the fenced in area, and walk to your left away from the intersect down that road to the bridge.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
It's not that hard to get there from Martha. Actually, I think a car should be able to get there without too much of a problem. (Of course the roads might be a lot muddier now with all of the melted snow & rain)
Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
Sorry to bump an old thread, but my inability to find the pumping station is driving me nuts. I have no problem find Martha Furnace, but the station continues to elude me. I enter the woods off RT-679 across from Bodine Field to get to Martha Furnace. When I see the green chained-link fence on my left, I've tried a right hand turn right before it and have tried the road that runs right up along the furnace (with the fence remaining) on my left. Are either of roads the correct one? Should I be able to see the pumping station from the road? What side would it be on, left or right?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Sorry to bump an old thread, but my inability to find the pumping station is driving me nuts. I have no problem find Martha Furnace, but the station continues to elude me. I enter the woods off RT-679 across from Bodine Field to get to Martha Furnace. When I see the green chained-link fence on my left, I've tried a right hand turn right before it and have tried the road that runs right up along the furnace (with the fence remaining) on my left. Are either of roads the correct one? Should I be able to see the pumping station from the road? What side would it be on, left or right?

From my memory, which is shaky, continue north past the furnace with the fence on your left. When you get to a fence across the road, you can only go left. Go another 200 yards and you are there.
From my memory, which is shaky, continue north past the furnace with the fence on your left. When you get to a fence across the road, you can only go left. Go another 200 yards and you are there.

Not quite. After passing Martha, keep an out for a left turn onto a road that has a wheeled gate swung open. It's easy to miss if you're not paying attention. The gate has been open for years and access is permitted. Just don't drive down the hill past the pumping station. That is off limits to vehicles.
