Yes that is the exciting part knowing that another human has not handled this tool since someone dropped it or shot it centuries possibly millenia ago.The two I found today were probably knives,the whole one certainly was .the other point half may have been a knife or an atlatl spear point the plow broke. One I put on here is a scraper,I almost threw that away thinking it was just a spall when my friend who is the expert on artifact hunting and always finds at least four times what I do told me ,hey what are you doing? Thats a scraper! Sometimes when the creator of the piece can;t end up getting what they want or if a piec e breaks they will end up making something smaller like a scraper or a bird point or maybe even a fish hook.I found some pottery today as well but nothing big enough to post.My friend last year found a whole pot with 54 boird points sealed inside with hard mud,he was three feet from me when he found it and we were digging in a gravel bar,I found three bird points that probably had fell out of the potmthere were also over a hundred white and prple clam shell beads in the pot (Wampum) and a clay figurine of a broken off foot.,He has also found several clay pipes nearby.