Dear Pine Barrens: Cloud People exist.

Evan Wilder

New Member
Jun 21, 2011
I write to make it known that there is music, videos and film made and in production in regards to and inspired by the pines, via mythical beings intrinsic to the barrens.


Electronic, synthesizer-based IDM dub and more:

Also, Wild & Sh*t with Evan Wilder
Eastern Thunder presents — Cloud People's definitive series on all that's wild and all that's sh*t in the New Jersey Pine Barrens.
Episodes 1-16:


Jul 4, 2011
Looks like a gang that would roll in right next to me while I'm spending a nice peaceful night camping out listening to the wind and the tree frogs.
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Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run
Looks like a gang that would roll in right next to me while I'm spending a nice peaceful night camping out listening to the wind and the tree frogs.

Sounds like last year's trip to Batona. Loud music and too much alcohol. The kind of people who reply, "Skit... what's a Skit?"


Sep 7, 2005
Sounds like last year's trip to Batona. Loud music and too much alcohol. The kind of people who reply, "Skit... what's a Skit?"

What was the question that merited the reply dare I ask?
As well, could your consumation of beverage and said loud music have impared your auditory abilities to process the word used? Just askin' buddy.


Pine Baron

Feb 23, 2008
Sandy Run

You misunderstood my post.

It was my children and I camping at Batona, looking for a little peace and quiet to listen to the nightsounds of the pines, when two groups pulled in next to us. One playing their music too loud, the other, imbibing too much and using foul language.

Does that clear it up?



Sep 7, 2005
You misunderstood my post.
It was my children and I camping at Batona, looking for a little peace and quiet to listen to the nightsounds of the pines, when two groups pulled in next to us. One playing their music too loud, the other, imbibing too much and using foul language.
Does that clear it up? BTW- I don't drink when I'm camping with my kids!


My bad, I just couldn't fiqure out what a skit was in the context of the post. I do get your annoyance at the intrusions of the other parties. Relax man, I think way too much of you to think you would get in a bad way on a trip with the kids. Missed the point of the trip. Continue to seek peace & quiet kind sir. Anyone who annoys you, just step on them.
Peace man,



Jul 4, 2011
What picture, Glenn? My atavar? That was me in the NJPB Plains, taken long ago. The trees in the Plains were shorter back then and I towered over the entire forest like Paul Bunyan. I posted more old photos of the Barrens, on the photo board, i think.


Jul 4, 2011
I hear there is alot of that on either side of 72? Is that true. Haven't had opportunity to check it out.

Yeah. Rt. 72 cuts right through The Plains (the dwarf forest). But I was there last year and it's not quite as awesome as it once was as the trees are taller now. It's still awesome, but it's no longer as if you were Paul Bunyan towering over an entire forest. I think that's due to fire control. Maybe there are still parts of it that have shorter trees than others. I picked out particularly short woods to take my photos back then in the '70's. Here's how to get to where I took my avatar photo: Go west on rt. 72. Pass rt. 539. Then turn left on the wide dirt road, Sooy Rd., I think, the road to Jenkins, and go south on it. It goes through the heart of the Plains. I first learned about that road from the 1969 article in the NY Times travel section (available on here) which was my introduction to this wonderful place. There used to be a gas station or car repair shop or something to mark it on 72, but it is before you go west enough to hit rt 532 which goes south to Chatsworth (which has changed a lot from the days when I used to go down there, not long after McPhee's great book was written.)

I've got old, c. early 1970's, photos scattered around, including the Plains, like at the very beginning and the very end of this thread:

Here's some more - including one of my good old VW Beetle (made it to 300K miles, and most of them NYC miles, before rust did 'er in) on Sooy Road.

Here's my review of John McPhee's book on Amazon:

A wonderful book
By A Customer on November 9, 1999
Format: Hardcover
I live out west now. I just returned to the east for a visit. I drove down to the NJ Pine Barrens and I camped out one night in the Plains (the dwarf forest), no doubt in violation of millions of New Jersey rules and regulations. The benign peacefulness of the place, the smell of the pines, the sound of the wind, all swept over me. I used to live in Manhattan. I'd often make the 2 1/2 or 3 hour drive to hike and canoe and camp in the Barrens. I love that magical forest, the dark bogs, the open plains, the pure rivers, the endless sandy roads. John McPhee's book truly captures the atmosphere of this very special place in the world.
PS A year or two after I wrote that I got trapped in a very remote part of the Barrens when my rented car bogged down in the sand. Another Excellent Adventure. In retrospect.

Glenn Walters

Oct 2, 2013
Thanks for the info. And I just started Mcphee's book. He is in the house and they are talking about Frederick Browns life and the adventures of Bill Wasovwich. I love it so far.
God hath not promised
Sun without rain
Joy without sorrow
Peace without pain.

Great stuff... thanks again:):cool: