While we all know different, this is the perception those not familiar of the pine barrens have of it.
Scrounging through dumpsters in the back of a shopping mall, camping on the edge of a horse farm then having the police drive up. Camping in an auto salvage yard and scrounging. Playing games shooting at a moving air cleaner housing. I though this was "survival"? Renting a rail inspection cart from a farmer in an attempt to use on heavily over grown tracks. The only "real" pine barrens was getting wet feet crossing the spung that most likely could have avoided. Then climbing the fire tower. So this is the pine barrens? I admit NJ to outsiders is known as the turnpike, Perth Amboy, shopping malls and cluster tract McMansion developments. Sadly not far from the truth but this was a poor, no, not even a representation of the Pines. I realize this is Hollywood entertainment but.... I wonder just how inaccurate the series is pertaining to other locations. I think it's quite apparent no research or local knowledge help was even consulted. On a selfish note maybe the show did us a "favor" in deterring others from exploiting the Pines.