Ellis Adams and Calico


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I need help!
I"ve found Ellis Adams Farm house and been back 3 times and have been up and down that road from martha and harrisville clean out to the bombing range gate on the way to warren grove and can"t find this brick field pictured on this sites gallery.Where is it?All I found at the farmhouse was two cellar holes a couple dozen bricks a lot of corrugated tin and some catalpa and cedar (red) trees.nice open woods across tha road but no brick field?Help!

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I thought I was clear enough the last time I told you where it was. Anyway, the Ellis Adams Farmhouse is on Oswego Road. Further down Oswego Rd., about 1-2 miles away, is the site of the "brickyard" or whatever you call it.


If you drive in from Martha towards Calico, you'll go down Calico-Warren Grove Rd (it's marked as being part of the Batona Trail). If you make the LEFT at the fork that you will eventually hit, you'll hit that puddle in the middle of the road, right near where the road goes near the water, and you saw all of that beaver activity. Tom's Geocache is near there.

If you take the RIGHT at the fork, you'll go on Oswego Rd., and eventually hit the site of the Farmhouse on your RIGHT, and further down the road the "brickyard" will be on your LEFT.
bruset said:
If you drive in from Martha towards Calico, you'll go down Calico-Warren Grove Rd (it's marked as being part of the Batona Trail). If you make the LEFT at the fork that you will eventually hit, you'll hit that puddle in the middle of the road, right near where the road goes near the water, and you saw all of that beaver activity. Tom's Geocache is near there.


Make sure you bring water shoes to walk through the puddle like we did today.
The puddle:


We walked about a mile until we came upon this nice little area:


We walk about another mile past that to the left of the gate until we decided to turn around.

While we were walking a Jeep passed us with 3 guys in it that must have come through the puddle. Anybody I know?

I have a new nested album with a couple more pix from today.


I don't see any water in the picture of a puddle below. But there is definitely a puddle. It's full of logs and big tree limbs. It's very hard to drive through.
If you drove all the way to Allen Road and never saw the open area with 2 or 3 big ruins in it, you were on the wrong road. You want Oswego Road. Well I'm going out there like 2 weeks from now anyway (see trip reports forum). That ruin will be one of our stops. A lot of people find that ruin by accident. One person in my group found it when looking for Nash's Cabin (waaaaaaaay off!) :)
BEHR655 said:
Make sure you bring water shoes to walk through the puddle like we did today.
The puddle:


I have a new nested album with a couple more pix from today.
BarryC said:
I don't see any water in the picture of a puddle below. But there is definitely a puddle. It's full of logs and big tree limbs. It's very hard to drive through.
If you drove all the way to Allen Road and never saw the open area with 2 or 3 big ruins in it, you were on the wrong road. You want Oswego Road. Well I'm going out there like 2 weeks from now anyway (see trip reports forum). That ruin will be one of our stops. A lot of people find that ruin by accident. One person in my group found it when looking for Nash's Cabin (waaaaaaaay off!) :)
I guess the reflection of the trees and brush makes it hard to see the water but it's there. This was on Calico-Warren Grove Rd, not Oswego Rd. I've seen the ruins on Oswego Rd and I think they are the same ruins shown as beeing Calico in the gallery. The foundations do not seem to be the proper vintage to be Calico.
We also drove up Shamong for a bit today but turned bak because the road got too dang narrow. We then turned off of Shamong onto a road that shows no name on any topos I've seen and shows as a trail but was better than Shamong Rd. This road looped around and back down to Oswego Rd. We passed some beautiful scenery on the way. At one point we came to a very high elevation along the side of the trail so we stopped and walked up. I would say the was a rise of approxamately 40 to 50 feet. I'll post a pix of my track to my album shortly.



I got you mixed up with Manumuskin, who posted the original question. And yes, now that you mention it, I do see water in that picture.
If you go into my gallery, somewhere in it you'll see my pictures from Calico, the Ellis Adams site, the Oswego Road site with the big ruins, and so on.
I can't remember if I posted it here, but I did post on my site, about how on my Alfred B. Patton Burlington County map there are a bunch of streets on the map that simply aren't there. They are in the vicinity of those big ruins off Oswego Road.
BEHR655 said:
I guess the reflection of the trees and brush makes it hard to see the water but it's there. This was on Calico-Warren Grove Rd, not Oswego Rd. I've seen the ruins on Oswego Rd and I think they are the same ruins shown as beeing Calico in the gallery. The foundations do not seem to be the proper vintage to be Calico.
We also drove up Shamong for a bit today but turned bak because the road got too dang narrow. We then turned off of Shamong onto a road that shows no name on any topos I've seen and shows as a trail but was better than Shamong Rd. This road looped around and back down to Oswego Rd. We passed some beautiful scenery on the way. At one point we came to a very high elevation along the side of the trail so we stopped and walked up. I would say the was a rise of approxamately 40 to 50 feet. I'll post a pix of my track to my album shortly.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
been there

Thanks for the topo/I"ve been to this site but didn"t know it was calic:confused:n the old map I downloaded off this site it places Calico at the Ellis Adams farm house.I thought these ruins were a fallen down gun club.I thought Calico was the same age as Martha.In becks book all he talks about or pictures is Adams farm house.Thanks for setting me straight.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Calico is the same age as Martha. Whether or not the Ellis house is "in" Calico or not, it was considered part of Calico.

The "brickyard" is not Calico - I have no idea what it is/was. but it's not Calico - it's way too far away.

Barry, my GPS lists streets in that area that don't exist as well. I wonder if they ever cleared out those streets like they did at Gigantic City.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj

the brickyard is definitely not the same age as Martha.I don"t know when cinder block was invented but I know martha predates cinder block.I went to the brickyard today thatnks to your map and yes I had been there years ago.I believe it is probably a caved in hunting camp.Theirs another ruin similar to it on oswego road past allen road also on the north side of the road.Matter of fact theirs demolished hunting clubs made of block all over the barrens.



You went past Allen Road on Oswego Road? I don't remember seeing it on the other side of Allen Road when I've driven there. I'll have to go sometime.
I always figured those ruins to be 20th century because of them being cinder block. I know there's no way they could be as old as Martha or Calico.
manumuskin said:
the brickyard is definitely not the same age as Martha.I don"t know when cinder block was invented but I know martha predates cinder block.I went to the brickyard today thatnks to your map and yes I had been there years ago.I believe it is probably a caved in hunting camp.Theirs another ruin similar to it on oswego road past allen road also on the north side of the road.Matter of fact theirs demolished hunting clubs made of block all over the barrens.