Fall from tree stand


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Just thought I would mention this. A man who grew up in my development, and is a state trooper, went last Friday to his tree stand near Cowtown and promptly slipped on the wet wood and fell 20 feet to the ground. He broke his leg so severely that he could not walk. He did not have a cell phone so he crawled for hours until he came to the road and waited in the rain for someone to come. It happened that his wife became concerned, and along with their son they drove where they knew his stand was and found him. He had surgery and had some sort of plastic piece placed in his leg. This may be career ending for him.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
That is a tough one. I give him credit for his grit. I had to crawl about 1/4 mile when I broke all the top bones in my foot on my motorcycle. I reached Lacey road and waved cars down. Some passed me by even though I was on my knees and clearly in trouble.

My brother-in-law fell some 30 feet from a tree stand and landed on a rock in Virginia. He crushed some bones in his skull and is not totally all there today.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Thanks BobM. Not much going on in Philadelphia right now (happily), and we are just re-doing a couple old productions for the rest of the season, no new sets.

Last week I took my director friend on a day long expedition to several of my favorite spots in the pines - always fun to show someone around for the first time :) We're going to try and get started on a film that we'll shoot there, but need to spend awhile brainstorming a script - which could go in almost any direction. I gave her copies of several of my favorite books for inspiration - Beck has a few things in common with someone in her own family, and she was hooked on the McPhee book after reading a couple paragraphs.

Anyway, this would just be a fun project with little if any budget, and we have to fit it in between a number of paying gigs, but we've taken the first small step. I'll keep everyone informed as we progress.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Here is another tree stand story, except this time it does not have a happy ending. My brother went to school with this man at Lenape and showed me his graduating photo when I visited him tonight.

There is more to the article if anyone is interested.



wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
BEHR655 said:
I never knew tree stands could be so dangerous.

It can the the most dangerous part of hunting. Falls from treestands, and other hazards account for the majority of hunting deaths. Alot of tree stands are used by bow hunters. The broadhead arrows can cause alot of damage. I read where a guy was walking in with a set of 'rattling' antlers [used to imitiate the sound of deer fighting] in his pack and when he fell they poked through his rib cage...there are alot of dangers, add in climbing up a tree stand, and you are really increasing the chances of being hurt. Cabella's sells a camo safety harness but climbing in and out is the largest danger. Successful hunters still need to climb down and recover their animal with out getting hurt.

Buck Fever is a real phenomanon too. Adrenalin is flowing and the heart rate is up and people do things without thinking. I came acoss a guy who was trying to dress a nice buck. He had a Wyoming Knife that had a surgical steel blade & finger rings. He was trying to use the 'Gut Hook' without keeping the guard on the skinning blade. This is a 'specialist' type of knife & he was using it wrong. The uncovered blade was slicing the ball of his thumb to ribbons,,,turned out it was the 'only knife' he had and had left the guard in the car. I loaned him my knife and he wrapped his thumb up & dressed the deer & started dragging it out. I bet his thumb was badly scared and may have needed stiches 'cause he had the 'fever'...

Since I rifle hunt in PA, I don't use tree stands. I'll stay on the ground.