"Finding Bigfoot" in a rut

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Adam Buchler

Nov 5, 2011
So it seems that Wharton Superintendent is giving the "Finding Bigfoot" a hard time about filming there(hasn't rejected the idea completely, but is giving some resistance). As a backup plan the producers are asking me to find people who own large tracts of wooded land(preferably 50+ acres). If any body knows somebody who knows somebody that might consider letting them film for one or two nights in the wooded areas of their property please let me know.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Bigfoot is a minority. Tell the Superintendent if he doesn't grant you permission to film you're going to file a Civil Rights lawsuit. You can film all the other animals out there, why not Bigfoot? This is a clear case of bias. :D
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
How about this? http://www.nj.gov/dep/rules/proposals/20120716a.pdf

N.J.A.C. 7:2-2.5 Commercial use
N.J.A.C. 7:2-2.5, Commercial use, requires a person engaged in a commercial enterprise or a commercial activity on lands and waters administered by the State Park Service to obtain a permit. The proposed amendment to N.J.A.C. 7:2-2.5 requires the person to have a copy of the permit in his or her possession at all times when engaging in the activity that is the subject of the permit. The proposed amendment is intended to assist the Department’s efforts to enforce the rule requiring a permit, to ensure that unauthorized commercial activity does not occur within State Parks and Forests. Such commercial activity includes, but is not limited to, sales and vending, commercial photography and videography, and concerts and performances. The Department also proposes to amend the rule for clarity.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
And the permit's can get very expensive;

All fees must be paid by credit card or check made payable to the Treasurer State of New
Jersey. Fees are subject to change without prior notice.
Special Use Permit Application fee
$55.00 per permit
(Required at time of submission)
State Park Personnel Labor
$55.00/hour per employee
(Most events will require at least one staff person on site through the duration of the
event. There may also be additional administration hours charged to cover the time
processing the permit. This will apply to canceled events also.)

Commercial Photography
Commercial Still Photography $325.00 per day
Commercial Video Photography $425.00 per day
Commercial Movie $1,025.00 per day

a. The applicant is required to provide satisfactory evidence of liability and property
damage insurance in the amount designated by the State of New Jersey. The limits
of liability for bodily injury and property damage shall not be less than $1 million per
occurrence as a combined single limit.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
How about this? http://www.nj.gov/dep/rules/proposals/20120716a.pdf

N.J.A.C. 7:2-2.5 Commercial use
N.J.A.C. 7:2-2.5, Commercial use, requires a person engaged in a commercial enterprise or a commercial activity on lands and waters administered by the State Park Service to obtain a permit. The proposed amendment to N.J.A.C. 7:2-2.5 requires the person to have a copy of the permit in his or her possession at all times when engaging in the activity that is the subject of the permit. The proposed amendment is intended to assist the Department’s efforts to enforce the rule requiring a permit, to ensure that unauthorized commercial activity does not occur within State Parks and Forests. Such commercial activity includes, but is not limited to, sales and vending, commercial photography and videography, and concerts and performances. The Department also proposes to amend the rule for clarity.

So the fact they will be making money off the film is the catch.The government can't stand to see someone making a buck without them getting their hands on some of the proceeds.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
From what Adam says, it isn't about the money but about whether this is an appropriate activity for a State Forest. I might share his concerns, depending on exactly what they have in mind. I don't have a problem with charging a TV network for commercial use of our tax-supported facilities, especially in light of budget cuts. And those fees are not going to be any more than a "rounding error" in the budget for a TV series.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
You know, as a Bigfoot non believer I hadn't thought of the impression it would make.I would come across a Bigfoot movie and keep right on flicking channels but this movie could bring hordes down on Wharton of people in four wheel monster trucks searching for the elusive Bigfoot. Perhaps thats what the state folks are worried about? I am just so naturally anti governemt that I always assume the worst about them.It's sad that all there is in the Barrens that is real and great for folks to enjoy and they will head to the Barrens searching for Sasquatch or the Jersey Devil and pay attention to nothing else. I'm glad I don't have to be afraid to walk the Barresn at night,really the only thing out there to fear is your fellow human beings.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
...but this movie could bring hordes down on Wharton of people in four wheel monster trucks searching for the elusive Bigfoot. Perhaps thats what the state folks are worried about?
It's funny you should mention that. Last winter I was hiking the yellow trail out of Batsto and a guy in four wheel drive pulled up next to me and asked me if I had seen or heard anything suspicious, because Bigfoot had been reported to be in the area. I told him that I have hiked over 5,000 miles in the pines and have never seen anything unusual out there. Then he pulled out a camera and showed me a picture of a dumpster and said the scratch marks on it were made by Bigfoot. I couldn't help it, but I laughed. Then I pointed to a sign that said "no vehicles" and warned him that if the Park Police caught him driving out there they were probably going to be pretty annoyed. He said to me, and I quote,"There's a lot of dangerous things running around this woods. I'm not getting out of my truck. You're crazy walking around out here."

As he drove off I thought, "If that guy joins the NJ Pine Barrens forums I'm going to have to change my nick name to Old Crazy II." LOL


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
If he had watched the Bigfoor commercials and seen Bigfoot thrown a normal sized ma like he was a baseball he would realize his truck is no protection.Some folks are just not satisfied with real life.I have never seen anything out there much scarier then myself, I don't think I'm as old as you Old Crazy but I've been around a good long while and I've been out at lot at night.The only freaks that come out at night are in the bigger cities of south jersey like Camden and AC,well there are a few in Millville now too. The biggest danger out in the pines at night is a stick in the eye.
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
this movie could bring hordes down on Wharton of people in four wheel monster trucks searching for the elusive Bigfoot. Perhaps thats what the state folks are worried about?

No. It's all about money for the DEP and having insurance in case something happens.

I had a hell of a time organizing the tour of Harrisville that I did 8 or so years ago because of the insurance requirement.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
$425/day for commercial videography? A few bucks for a couple park police? If they were filming 4 days (or whatever) it might be $5,000 at most. This kind of outfit is used to liability insurance requirements wherever they film, they would already be covered for that. The money is no big deal for them. I have been involved in video production in union venues, and the labor cost just to walk in the door is astronomical. This is nickle and dime stuff out in the pines.

I am also weary of big government and government regulations. But they do have a valid function, and there must be some control over commercial use of the Pines. Do you think any business should just be able to do whatever they like in Wharton? I agree, harassing an individual organizing a tour with a group of friends is outrageous. But that's not what we're talking about here.

If the government didn't protect the pines, they would have vanished long ago and you would be reading about the "good old days" on this forum while you waited for your flight to depart at New City International Airport. ;)

If "Finding Bigfoot" doesn't like the red tape in Wharton, let 'em go film in Pennsyltucky. Good riddance.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
So the fact they will be making money off the film is the catch.The government can't stand to see someone making a buck without them getting their hands on some of the proceeds.

Al, it is your tax money that is allowing them to make money. IMHO, those permit fee's need to be raised significantly.

Adam Buchler

Nov 5, 2011
Btw thy said that they deal with this every state they go to so I guess these fees are standard practice. They were just looking for back up plan incase they were actually denied access completely. To be honest the film crew including cast is only 9 people and one vehicle so they won't be causing too big a scene out there


Apr 4, 2011
the only thing out there to fear is your fellow human beings

I would normally agree with your statement Manu, but today I crossed paths with a Raccoon that was the meanest, nastiest thing in the woods. I high-tailed it up Quakerbridge Road before it had any chance of getting close to me. I have my suspicions it was suffering from Rabies - a drunk like gait down the center of the road midday with the shakes, quick temper, growling, charging at anything that moved.

BTW - I reported to the Atsion office.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I had a red fox out at the infamous Calico mudhole come up to me and my wife and beg food in broad daylight.It looked like hell,like it had been rolling in the mud after starving for a month.I told her to stay in the car while I walked up the road.This was the trip I initally located Calico.She fed it potato chips while I was up the road.When I came back she said it took off before I rounded the bend.Acted tame but not rabid.Very odd for out in the middle of the barrens.Have seen them act like that around campgrounds.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Found him!


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