Pink eyes and white hair/fur do not (alone) an albino make! There has to be a complete absence of melanin everywhere in the body. One site that often disqualifies a generally white, pink-eyed animal from coveted albino status are the ungual skin (the skin of the claws, talons, hooves) which, in this guy, appear to be devoid of melanin (at least those that are illuminated enough to evaluate). Since amelamotic irides of the eye can appear pale grey in many lights and viewing angles, my vote goes with this one really being albino. But, nonetheless, I'd try for a shot that unequivocally shows the pink eyes just to convince any reasonable Doubting Thomases.
The yellowish tan discoloration on the legs, part of face, and undersurfaces is sometime suggested to be "Pheomelanin - a yellowish/brownish form of melanin that disqualifies albino status - but in this case I'll bet it's just staining of the fur with tannins of tree bark.
Albino? Alschmino! - Either way, it's a white damned squirrel and you've taken really striking shots! Thanks, Brandon, for sharing them.