Gibby, GermanG, and Piney Princess (what a sweet sounding name). It is agreed that level heads always prevail. My questions here are twofold. WHY does it always seem that when the FF service prepares annually to do its prescribed burns, certain individuals appear on this site, and begin their name calling and bitterness. It was posted by myself earlier in this thread as to WHY NO ONE had contacted the Division B HQ (Who have jurisdiction for this area being "discussed") ? My guess is that many individuals would rather hear themselves complain, than to extract honest, straight forward answers that I have attempted to provide, and Piney Princess so elegantly explained. Secondly, GermanG hit the nail right on the head. NJFFS had acknowledged needed improvements towards saving endangered flora, fauna, etc.. The process by which prescribed burning occurs is long and tedious. It takes months from planning to implementation, and is overseen by numerous departments, agencies, organizations, and committees. Once given their blessing, and only then, does the process begin to make ready for an upcoming prescribed burn. I was fortunate to have been born and raised in the pines, and truly honored to have worked with many of the fine men and women who serve in the NJFFS. They take their jobs most seriously. If you don't believe that, how many of you on this thread have put your lives on the line during a major wildland conflagration to protect the forest lands you proclaim to so dearly love????? I have, and so have these outstanding professionals. They LOVE their forest lands, and work ever diligently to protect them. My answer to you GermanG, is this. Please feel free to ask any Section Firewarden, Division Firewarden, or State Firewarden what the intent and purpose is to this mitigation process. I assure you that each and every one of the will give you the same answers....Protect our natural resources from catastrophic fire. Please feel free to contact any of them, and I'm certain that they will give you an honest, straight forward answer.