More than I thought; also never knew the Batsto mansion has what may be the oldest lookout tower in the country.
Batsto Mansion House StationUS 79, New Jersey 3
Batsto Village State Historic Site
New Jersey
Elevation: 72 feet
When it comes to fancy living quarters, New Jersey’s Batsto Manor House Lookout takes the prize. When the NJ Forest Fire Service was locating lookout sites in the flammable Pine Barrens, the imposing mansion of the iron master at the old Batsto Iron Works caught their eye. Actually, the widow’s walk on top of the manor house had been used to look for fires during dry spells for many years and may be one of the oldest detection sites in the nation. The 9’x9' enclosed wooden cab was constructed in 1919 and used for fire detection until 1924 when the Batsto Fire Tower was constructed nearby.