First of the season


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I understand and agree with most of hat their saying to avoid wildfire but what does obtaining a permit have to do with weather you safely know how to make and maintain and extinguish a fire? perhaps it's because if they deem conditions unsafe they can deny the permit and play the parent and tell you to put the matches down?
Where I live you can have a fire in your yard but you have to make a pit then get it inspected.If it passes you can have a free permit thats good for a year.Then every time you make a fire you have to call the fire department and notify them.You then have to notify them when you put it out.This is because your neighbors will smell the smoke and call in a false fire based on smell alone.This really does happen because it happened to my cousin.Three different neighbors called the fire department on him at the same time and when they showed up they wlaked into the back yard to catch the family roasting weenies and making smores.They let them keep the fire after Cuz passed out smores to the firemen but told them to get the permit and call in so they didn't have to rush out to false calls.This is what happens when you have neighbors that have to have their nose in everything (pun intended)
Needless to say I made the pit and had it inspected,got the permit but after having a few fires i got fed up with having to call each time like a nitwit that needs supervision and I filled in the permit and said hell with it.I"ll make a fire in the woods if i want one where there is no one to smell it.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
We had similar regulations where we had our cabin in the Adirondacks. Made sense to me and they made it easy to get a permit; call and leave a message, they would come out, check things out and reject or give the permit, leave it on the door if no one was home. The ADK's are a tinderbox, it hasn't burned up there in many, many years. Partridge hunting was almost impossible if you bushwacked, I took to walking the logging roads and let the dog do the hard work.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have never set the woods on fire unintentionally...note the un. If the wind is helling it and the woods are dry i would not build a fire or i would build a Dakota Fire lay and have it in a hole and i would build it where their were no roots. I"d also have enough water handy to put it out pronto.I generally don't build a fire anyway when camping, not because someone tells me not to but because I"m lazy.If the grandkids are with us I will but they have to bring in the wood. I"ll break it up and build it but their gonna tote the wood to me!


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ



04/22/18 @ 1415 hrs- SECTION B2- Burlington County, Washington Twp near Oswego Lake- Initial report was 5+ acres in a remote area. Crews are starting a burn-out operation of the block which will result in a size increase to about 62 acres. Tanker 81 is working the fire with a refill site set-up at Coyle Field. An oberservation helo is just airborne. Air tanker 61 now requested from Div C. ICP being set up at Rutgers Experimental Station. Updated 1530 hrs.


Feb 22, 2013
Monday afternoon Ro & I drove down to Lake Oswego from Chatsworth. We saw freshly burned forest about 1/2 way yo the lake, on the west side of the road on Bill Hianes' property. Fire had burned out at next crossroads. There were several unmanned Asplundh orange tree service trucks on the approach road east of the lake. At the lake there were several fire trucks and a patch of newly burnt land on the norrth side of the road. Sunday afternoon as we drove north on 563 we saw the smoke just east of the Pine Uskand farm headquarters. Then later in the Chatsworth area we saw ah indistinct smoke plume to the east, separated from the big one further south. So there were two burns, one reported in the press and one not?


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
I assume the fire at Penn was not spotted from the Bass River Station fire tower, because as we we've been told the view is obstructed in that direction so they need to cut all those trees. My guesses at distances from towers to the fire location at Lake Oswego: 9 miles from Bass River Station tower, 10.5 miles from Bastso Station tower, and 7.5 miles from Apple Pie Station tower. Did I miss any closer towers? If the goal is 10 mile visibility, then I'm guessing that with Bass River view blocked they could only see it from Apple Pie, and it probably takes 2 observation sites to get a good location fix.


Feb 22, 2013
We saw smoke from the fire while coming north on the GSP when opposite Ocean City. When we got to New Gretna the smoke plume was huge - at that point we thought fire was in Bass River forest. Plume blew south east and over MysticIisland and out to sea.

local vollie

Apr 6, 2011
I assume the fire at Penn was not spotted from the Bass River Station fire tower, because as we we've been told the view is obstructed in that direction so they need to cut all those trees. My guesses at distances from towers to the fire location at Lake Oswego: 9 miles from Bass River Station tower, 10.5 miles from Bastso Station tower, and 7.5 miles from Apple Pie Station tower. Did I miss any closer towers? If the goal is 10 mile visibility, then I'm guessing that with Bass River view blocked they could only see it from Apple Pie, and it probably takes 2 observation sites to get a good location fix.
Yes, the New Lisbon tower