That is a nice eight pointer. A good rule of thumb in NJ is if the rack is as wide as the ears, or wider, it is a good buck and worth taking. Most hunters looking for a buck will take a big 6 pointer or small 8 pointer. That buck just meets the test. It is not easy to find bigger deer in the pines.
I have never found shed antlers or a full buck skull, though my neighbor's dog brought back a nice 7 point rack.
As for the old deer, I know that a tagged deer somewhere in the pines was found at over 20 years old. I don't remember where I read that, though I though it was in the NJ Fish and Wildlife Hunter Digest. I would bet that there are some old does and bucks nearly that old in the deepest forests. Most hunters are too lazy to go after them and prefer to hunt within a few hundred yards of the road, pushing the smart deer even deeper. Even if they go deep, the smart ones know how to hide.