2 pm update:
Initial Incident Time: 0830 Hrs
Location: Wharton State Forest , north of Chew Rd. (off Swamp Rd), Waterford
Twp., Camden County .
Event Description: NJ DEP advised the NJSP ROIC of a wildfire with
an estimated 40-50 acres burning at the above location. 30-40 Forest
Fire personnel along with 12 brush trucks, 1 wide track dozer, 2
medium dozers, 1 observation helicopter and 1 water-dropping
helicopter are currently on scene. A command post is being
established at the Atsion Ranger Station on US 206. Burning out on
some parts of the fire has begun to halt the spread of the fire. No
homes or structures are threatened and no evacuations have been
necessary at this time. Heavy smoke will be present in the general
area due to light winds and very humid air in the vicinity of the
fire. Updates to follow