Forked River Mountain Cleanup


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
The date this year is Sunday, 20 April. We meet at Wells Mills. If you come, plan to be there between 8:30 and 8:45 so we can assign spots.

I am probably going to do a really bad spot between the Middle and South Branch of the Forked River--over by the Parkway. I have a V-8 engine, car seats, and at least a thousand bottles and cans to pick up. Can't get back there in a car, must have a 4 wheel drive pickup. I plan to drag the engine out on a chain and "try" to roll it into the back of a pickup after perching it on a shelf of sand under the power lines.

Let me know if you are coming, I'll register you.


PS: bags and gloves are supplied, and they always have hotdogs, cookies, and drinks on Forked River mountain top when done. Be out of there by 2PM latest.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The date this year is Sunday, 20 April. We meet at Wells Mills. If you come, plan to be there between 8:30 and 8:45 so we can assign spots.

I am probably going to do a really bad spot between the Middle and South Branch of the Forked River--over by the Parkway. I have a V-8 engine, car seats, and at least a thousand bottles and cans to pick up. Can't get back there in a car, must have a 4 wheel drive pickup. I plan to drag the engine out on a chain and "try" to roll it into the back of a pickup after perching it on a shelf of sand under the power lines.

Let me know if you are coming, I'll register you.


PS: bags and gloves are supplied, and they always have hotdogs, cookies, and drinks on Forked River mountain top when done. Be out of there by 2PM latest.


Put my wife and I down, and I believe Jessica will come also even though I have not asked her. I will post back.

UPDATE: Jessica is in also.



Sep 7, 2005
The date this year is Sunday, 20 April. We meet at Wells Mills. If you come, plan to be there between 8:30 and 8:45 so we can assign spots.

I have a V-8 engine, I plan to drag the engine out on a chain and "try" to roll it into the back of a pickup after perching it on a shelf of sand under the power lines.
Let me know if you are coming, I'll register you.

I offer the slightest possibility of presence. It's a trip for the S-10 and when it comes to clean-ups, I don't leave home without it. Anyone that's been with me can attest, it holds it's own.
Your engine dilemna is too simple. drag it to the nearest area with a sturdy tree limb handy, you won't hurt the tree. A chain wrapped around a supporting limb will do. Bolt that together, get a decent Come-A-Long hooked to the motor, lift it to the truck bed and be done. Hell, I've changed engines with less. Forget all that other crap.



Apr 17, 2005
S.W. Missouri
I have a suspicion that there is something on my agenda for on or about that that date, but I'd like to make it. I missed the 4wd club cleanup this year to my dismay. Hope to make this one.


New Member
Dec 11, 2007
Bob, What sort of notice is needed for registration? I'd love to join in, I'm somewhat familiar with the area and have 4WD, but my dilema is one of scheduling. You see, I've promised the family our first camping trip (going to Turkey Swamp) and it will be the weekend of either the 12th or 19th, or even the 26th. I don't want to reserve a site until I am certain it's a good weekend weather-wise. If the first weekend looks to be good for camping, I can give a definite answer about 10 days out. If not, it would be very short notice, or not at all:(



Sep 7, 2005
The date this year is Sunday, 20 April. We meet at Wells Mills. If you come, plan to be there between 8:30 and 8:45 so we can assign spots.
must have a 4 wheel drive pickup.

Going back to this... I am still trying to make this happen but I must ask,
4WD a must?? Will my S-10 not do well?



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Bob, What sort of notice is needed for registration? I'd love to join in, I'm somewhat familiar with the area and have 4WD, but my dilema is one of scheduling. You see, I've promised the family our first camping trip (going to Turkey Swamp) and it will be the weekend of either the 12th or 19th, or even the 26th. I don't want to reserve a site until I am certain it's a good weekend weather-wise. If the first weekend looks to be good for camping, I can give a definite answer about 10 days out. If not, it would be very short notice, or not at all:(


There really is no formal notice for registration. You can do it if you come and when you get there. We only use it for advance planning. So, don't worry about the short notice. If you make a last minute decision to go camping, there are other years to come. We never have a lack of people trashing up the woods, so we do it every year. It would only be a bit of a problem if you promised an entire crew of 20 or so, like the boy scouts do. Even then, we'd make do.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Going back to this... I am still trying to make this happen but I must ask,
4WD a must?? Will my S-10 not do well?


George, a four wheel drive is not a must, but you would not be able to drive that S-10 where I am going 'this' particular year. Seriously. Where I am cleaning up this year the road demands a 4-wheel drive. You would have to hope to hitch a ride back to that spot. Guy signed up early, so depending upon his family that he brings, they will fill up my truck--if they don't mind being cramped in that little cab.

You would be assigned to another crew where you would be able to take it, or pile into a county van that is going to some safer areas. "Unless", we got lucky and a guy showed up with a 4 wheel truck without passengers and was going with me. Then you would ride with him.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
GGuy signed up early, so depending upon his family that he brings, they will fill up my truck--if they don't mind being cramped in that little cab.

There are three of us going so Jessica and I will fit in the back and Audrey in the front.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Going back to this... I am still trying to make this happen but I must ask,
4WD a must?? Will my S-10 not do well?


George, I was back there again today, scouting it out. Can your S-10 handle whoop de doos? If so, I would like you to try and make it. I rethought it as I was driving. My leader does not want 2 wheel drive because he sees it as a pain if someone gets stuck and blocks the access, plus the grief of digging him out. But he will allow you since you are a friend and I promised him I would pull you out.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
George, I was back there again today, scouting it out. Can your S-10 handle whoop de doos? If so, I would like you to try and make it. I rethought it as I was driving. My leader does not want 2 wheel drive because he sees it as a pain if someone gets stuck and blocks the access, plus the grief of digging him out. But he will allow you since you are a friend and I promised him I would pull you out.

We can get him out for sure. See you there George!



Sep 7, 2005
See you there George! Guy

I had a bit of jumbling around of my weekend to do but I believe I am in.
The ride there alone will kill the S-10 not the woods.
I am confident of myself in the woods. Been woods driving since 12-13 years of age or so and rarely had the "luxury" of 4WD. This truck, while the body is completely gone has a solid V-6 and manual 4 speed, It'll hang. However... Never say never right? But I got you all so we're good.
Aside from one possibilty I have expressed to Bob in my P/M... I'm in.
I look forward to seeing other NJPB folks. I'll try to keep it interesting.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I had a bit of jumbling around of my weekend to do but I believe I am in.
The ride there alone will kill the S-10 not the woods.
I am confident of myself in the woods. Been woods driving since 12-13 years of age or so and rarely had the "luxury" of 4WD. This truck, while the body is completely gone has a solid V-6 and manual 4 speed, It'll hang. However... Never say never right? But I got you all so we're good.
Aside from one possibilty I have expressed to Bob in my P/M... I'm in.
I look forward to seeing other NJPB folks. I'll try to keep it interesting.


Thanks George. Realizing how far you are coming, if the little S-10 that could is not in top condition that day, I understand if you have to bow out. We'll get 'er done anyway.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
Anyone else who has a 4WD and can help shuttle volunteers will be greatly appreciated. We normally haul people without woods-worthy transportation in with the vans from Wells Mills but we will need to get past a few hairy sections of road this year which the vans may have trouble with. There will be an alternate site to go with the vans for the volunteers that can't get a ride in a 4WD but we really want to hit those other spots.