forum member suggested you might like some of my photos

Thanks to Joe Connor for suggesting that I put some of my pics up, I didn't even think about it.
Anyway, here a a few to start, I hope you enjoy :) Just plants in this one.
Pogonia ophioglossoides, Rose Pogonia. I like this image and didn't have to edit it to get this cool look, just the shallow depth of field, and perfect lighting provided by mother nature.

Sabatia difformis, Lance-leaf Rose Gentian. I love these perfect white flowers just popping up out of teh bog when so little is blooming.

Habenaria clavellata, Green Woodland Orchid. This is the first year I have ever seen these, prety cool little guys.

Habenaria blephariglottis, White Fringed Orchid. I used to see these a bit more often as a kid, but now I only know one roadside location for them.

Calopogon pulchellus, Grass Pink

Arethusa bulbosa, Dragonmouth

Drosera filiformis filiformis, Thread-leaf Sundew. I love how they light up like fiber optics in teh afternoon light!

Sarracenia purpurea purpurea, Northern Pitcher Plant

And when Webbs Mill was still at it's proper water level...

Utricularia resupinata, Lavender Bladderwort

Utricularia striata, Striped Bladderwort

Utricularia pupurea, Purple Bladderwort


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
They are very nice! Thanks for letting us see them.
