Found at Misery????


Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
Went searching today for Maryanne Forge. Figured I would try to search on my own before I asked for any clues. I'm assuming I didn't find it from Jeff's photos but I did find something. Photos in the album "bnsilly". Anyone have any idea what I found?? Looks like I may have been in a old bog area.

Thanks so much................Jodi


Dec 4, 2003
Freehold Area
Visit site
Just by looking at the photos, it would appear that you have some industrial ruins. The one concrete pad that has the two ruts through it likely held iron rails of some kind. The pipes could have fed a steam boiler. However, without some kind of context, it is hard to discern what these ruins are. Their origin is of no earlier than the late nineteenth century (1890s, etc...) and I would hazard a guess that they were more likely from the early to mid twentieth century. Could you plot these ruins on a USGS map? That would be much more helpful.

However, these could be sawmill ruins.

Just some thoughts...
Scott W.


Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
I couldn't plot those to save my life. I can however tell you round about how I got there.
I hit Mt Misery road from Junction Road. Crossed over the bridge and pulled into the first open road way/path on the left, I do believe it was just beyond the curve. I walked back into the woods and just kept going. I can't even tell you how far back but I do know that it was along the creek. There was a smaller path, off to the left that went forever, must have walked it a good 20mins. Came to a bunch of cedar pines in the water and an area where the water looked like it was half way up the trees. All of this again along the stream. Basically stumbled upon the foundations. Kept walking and eventually came out again on Mt Misery road. Where we came out at was blocked by 2 logs and would most likely be a better place to go in at. Although I can't tell you how much further down the road it was. Sorry I can't be of more help but thanks so much for the info. I still think I may have been in an old bog area, there was water on both sides of the path I was on.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I believe Jeff has posted photo's of that location before. I would go with the sawmill idea. I have seen those type of ruins at other sawmills.

In any event I think Jeff will chime in with some info.



Dec 4, 2003
Freehold Area
Visit site
I know that there were several small sawmill operations in that area, as well as a large portion of nearby land being owned by the Well's Mills operation and agents. So, I think that this is a good likelihood. Also, the small pad I through could house rails, would be better suited to mounting hardware or a shuttle mount for feeding timbers into the saw. It would be interesting to map those ruins.

Scott W.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Jodi, the ruins with the pipes comming out of the ground and that concrete floor right next to it are most likely of a much later date than the saw mill ruins you photographed. Photos I took of these same ruins are in my gallery. It appears that the pipes might have been a pump house for gasoline at one time.

The saw mill ruins denote a fairly large operation that was probably connected to the much larger ruins you saw in my posts or gallery. You were actually right next to the large "house" foundations and walls. It can be a little tricky to spot. Anyway, Ben brought an archeologist back there and I think she dated it as 1890's. Glad you had a nice day in the Misery woods.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Those are the sawmill ruins.

Edit: Incidentally, this is not really that close to Mt. Misery.

Yep, those are the saw mill ruins. I was just there last week with Bob and Scott. I don't have pics of them in my gallery though, I must have deleted them.

Also, because the main road in there is Mt. Misery road I have always refered to it as the Mt. Misery woods, but more so because of the road namesake than the town. As Ben acknowleged, Mt. Misery proper is on the south side of route 70.



Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
Thanks much all..........And what sawmill would that be?? I had thought myself that the pipes might be some sort of pump house, I thought it for the bogs though. I've been up and down that road alot lately, but I've never really ventured into the woods. Sometimes its kinda creepy out there. Get weird vibes.

Anything else out there I might stumble across??? I haven't found the forge yet, still working on that one.

I leave only foot prints..........and take OP's trash.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
The saw mill, like so many in the pines, is un-named. I can pm you the location of Mary Ann forge (although it is not really that secret) or if you consult the old maps on this site you might find it on your own. The forge is really just remains of an old bridge built up on slag mounds. the west shore is mostly private land. Bob and Scott and I visited a location I had been before near the forge which was probably where the forge, or at least the houses were.

That woods can be creepy. Seems like a place someone would dump a body.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Anything else out there I might stumble across??? I haven't found the forge yet, still working on that one.

There is nothing at the forge site except for small pieces of slag. Even there it's where a bridge used to be, and could have been built up using slag. I have been all through the woods around Mary Ann Forge and have found nothing except for the canals and a cellar hole.


Apr 3, 2003
New Jersey
Oh, I guess then maybe I did find it after all. I found where it looks like a bridge used to be. One side was posted as private so we turned back. Looks like there may have been an overflow area there as well. Not sure though, did alot of walking that day.

Thanks for your time....................Jo

Jo = female