

Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Evans and Wills owned it and the husband of the last female family member sold it to a development company called Friendship Forest Lakes. That was not the name of the owners but that it what they were calling the development they were going to build there. It never panned out and it was sold to the state in 1982 by them. I can give you an exact date if you want it.

And if you more exact info I can tell you who to contact.



Feb 17, 2007
whats the storywith speedwell friendship road it almost lookslike it was paved before it was dirt haha. I know thats probably not the case but does anyone have more information on the road.


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
whats the storywith speedwell friendship road it almost lookslike it was paved before it was dirt haha. I know thats probably not the case but does anyone have more information on the road.

There are quite a few roads that were paved at one point and have now reverted. Check out Jenkins for a good look at a road in the middle of the process.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

It appears I do not have the exact date, but I have the month and year. I will continue looking to see if I can be more specific.

State acquisition # 518 6/1981


Here is the Friendship Forest Lakes hand drawn survey I found while routing through a bunch of old rolled up maps. This part of the survey is along the road past Eagle and the Wills Grave.

And since I found it I will give you some of the info I acquired from Oriental who is a member of this site. Some of the info I had already learned from a phone call from Steve Lee. I had written him asking what he knew about Friendship Forest Lakes when I discovered the survey and he called me late one evening and we talked about it.

From Oriental

The "Friendship Forest Lakes" was strictly a development company that never took off. They were never really in the cranberry business but leased the bogs to Lee while they tried to make plans for their investment.

They bought the land from Albert Andrews who was the last owner of the land from the Evans and Wills families that started it all back in the 1860's. He married into the family when he wed Lydia Evans.
Albert was/is (I think he is still alive though his wife passed a year or two ago) a pretty interesting guy. As a Quaker, he crossed some lines when he went and fought in WWII. Many from their Meeting decided not to go and were placed in camps for conscientious objectors. In their home they have a neat corner cupboard that was rescued from one of the old picker shacks at Friendship and refinished.

By the way, Friendship actually folded when there was a "scare" right before Thanksgiving concerning cancer causing chemicals in the pesticides used in cranberry bogs. The scare was unfounded but many of the growers never recovered from the losses they suffered, including Andrews. He sold the piece in the late 50's. I would be almost certain that the survey you have is the entire Friendship property that was sold by Andrews.

I probably said this in a thread somewhere on this site, but the two bogs on the left and right of the bridge on Carranza were named Lydia and Rebecca and honor of Joseph Evans' and Joshua Wills' wives. They were the founders of the cranberry town when the bought some of the land from Joseph's father (who was also Joshua's father in law).



professor yahaak

New Member
Oct 22, 2008
Newbie in Friendship

Just checked out Friendship today. Had been really itchin' to get out there because of all the compelling references I've seen to "when the road becomes unpaved". Funny thing is-- had already been on that road some time back, but turned around almost immediately to 563 once we got down past the houses. Thought it was a private family compound, or something along those lines. Didn't know until today that it was the same road!
Was taken by the one particularly large tree out there near the intersection. Could imagine it being a much smaller fella 'back in the day'. Oh yeah-- and another thing... the bog out there to the left is spectacular. Couldn't go any further because of the downed tree in the road. Turned around, end enjoyed the rest of the cruise through Hawkins and then Godfrey areas. Camped there many moons ago.
So glad I found this site. New to these parts, but know this is where I belong.


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
My parents paid rent to Andy Andrews until the middle sixties of $50. a month. Please recheck your dates on this, but I am 99% sure. Also,yes the road was once paved.

It appears I do not have the exact date, but I have the month and year. I will continue looking to see if I can be more specific.

State acquisition # 518 6/1981


Here is the Friendship Forest Lakes hand drawn survey I found while routing through a bunch of old rolled up maps. This part of the survey is along the road past Eagle and the Wills Grave.

And since I found it I will give you some of the info I acquired from Oriental who is a member of this site. Some of the info I had already learned from a phone call from Steve Lee. I had written him asking what he knew about Friendship Forest Lakes when I discovered the survey and he called me late one evening and we talked about it.

From Oriental

The "Friendship Forest Lakes" was strictly a development company that never took off. They were never really in the cranberry business but leased the bogs to Lee while they tried to make plans for their investment.

They bought the land from Albert Andrews who was the last owner of the land from the Evans and Wills families that started it all back in the 1860's. He married into the family when he wed Lydia Evans.
Albert was/is (I think he is still alive though his wife passed a year or two ago) a pretty interesting guy. As a Quaker, he crossed some lines when he went and fought in WWII. Many from their Meeting decided not to go and were placed in camps for conscientious objectors. In their home they have a neat corner cupboard that was rescued from one of the old picker shacks at Friendship and refinished.

By the way, Friendship actually folded when there was a "scare" right before Thanksgiving concerning cancer causing chemicals in the pesticides used in cranberry bogs. The scare was unfounded but many of the growers never recovered from the losses they suffered, including Andrews. He sold the piece in the late 50's. I would be almost certain that the survey you have is the entire Friendship property that was sold by Andrews.

I probably said this in a thread somewhere on this site, but the two bogs on the left and right of the bridge on Carranza were named Lydia and Rebecca and honor of Joseph Evans' and Joshua Wills' wives. They were the founders of the cranberry town when the bought some of the land from Joseph's father (who was also Joshua's father in law).




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
My parents paid rent to Andy Andrews until the middle sixties of $50. a month. Please recheck your dates on this, but I am 99% sure. Also,yes the road was once paved.


He had sold the property before the mid 60's. Here is a poor quality photo of the pencil drawn survey map I have that shows the development company owned it by 1961.




Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
This time frame has me wondering. We moved there in 1960, and left around 1965. I am curious to whom my family paid rent to after Andy Andrews moved on. This infor I don't have. Or was he still there went we left??


He had sold the property before the mid 60's. Here is a poor quality photo of the pencil drawn survey map I have that shows the development company owned it by 1961.




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
He was still around and worked for Steve Lee into his 90's. I can say that the Friendship Forest Lakes people while making plans to build their utopia, rented the bogs to the Lee Brothers to keep them in use. They may also have let Mr. Andrews collect money for them so your memory may be correct. I am not the person to answer all those questions. You should contact Steve Lee and ask him because I talked to him on the phone and he knew quite a bit. Since I didn't, I did not know what questions to ask which would be helping us out right now.



Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
Thank you so much Guy. You have made sense and cleared up alot of confusion for me on the topic. How old would Steve Lee be now? I think there was father & son with same first name. I wonder if he has old photos of Friendship as well. It looks like I may have more work out for me then I first thought. Hopefully, I can find his phone number in the yellow book.

He was still around and worked for Steve Lee into his 90's. I can say that the Friendship Forest Lakes people while making plans to build their utopia, rented the bogs to the Lee Brothers to keep them in use. They may also have let Mr. Andrews collect money for them so your memory may be correct. I am not the person to answer all those questions. You should contact Steve Lee and ask him because I talked to him on the phone and he knew quite a bit. Since I didn't, I did not know what questions to ask which would be helping us out right now.
