Ghost in Sweetwater

Apr 6, 2004
So the tenants living at my grandfather's home in Sweetwater have been reporting some hauntings there. Yesterday, they snapped this picture with their cell phone. Ghost? You decide.


Ben, do you believe now?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Well, since the link did not work nobody would believe :) Now you may have some believers :D



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
8,899 daughter and I looked it over closely and we say no ghost. It is a modern older boy or young man. He is wearing a Tee Shirt and has a modern hair cut. And there are two of him which tells me the camera moved quickly and somehow got a reflection of him in the photo. They may have been near glass and the blurry photo proves they were moving when the photo was taken. The circles are around the two heads.


Do they have this age boy in the house??



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I am betting that is a large window on the left where the light is coming in. Think about when you have been there how anyone standing near that window could reflect into that photo.

I guess you can tell I don't believe in ghosts. How come there are never ghosts of cave men or woman?

Apr 6, 2004
Guy said:
Think about when you have been there how anyone standing near that window could reflect into that photo.

We certainly are not seeing a reflection in a window, or am I misunderstanding you?

And how can you tell what kind of haircut the person has?

BTW, I don't believe in ghosts either, but I want to. :D


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
We certainly are not seeing a reflection in a window, or am I misunderstanding you?

And how can you tell what kind of haircut the person has?

BTW, I don't believe in ghosts either, but I want to. :D

I was just basically asking you to think about how the house is situated and if you were at the location the photo was taken at, is there a possibility that there were windows in the area that could have reflected the image from off camera. That happens all the time except we don't usually take notice of it, but when it shows up in photo's it sticks out.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
So the tenants living at my grandfather's home in Sweetwater have been reporting some hauntings there. Yesterday, they snapped this picture with their cell phone. Ghost? You decide.


Ben, do you believe now?

you can't believe the earth is only 6000 years old but you believe this is a ghost? :)Hmmmm
I'd say someone either accidently or on purpose made a double exposure
Apr 6, 2004
Al, my Pine Barrens Brother...

No, I do not believe in ghosts.

However, they are certainly more believable than a 6000 year old Earth, simply because the latter notion has already been completely scientifically debunked. :)
Apr 6, 2004
Guy said:
I was just basically asking you to think about how the house is situated and if you were at the location the photo was taken at, is there a possibility that there were windows in the area that could have reflected the image from off camera. That happens all the time except we don't usually take notice of it, but when it shows up in photo's it sticks out.

Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, makes fine sense. I can't wait to confont the tenants about it so I can get them to admit the truth. My grandmother and Aunt were getting pretty upset with me when I kept insisting that they were looking at a photographic glitch. :)


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
My grandmother and Aunt were getting pretty upset with me when I kept insisting that they were looking at a photographic glitch. :)

I am getting to that point in life where I would just pretend to be amazed and AGREE with them. It makes life more interesting, and life is fleeting anyway. Enjoy these little things while we can. The world hates a critic anyway.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Is it possible that a living person can have a ghost from an earlier age? If so, I think that is the ghost of 12 year old Gabe hoping he has a beer in his Christmas stocking.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Al, my Pine Barrens Brother...

No, I do not believe in ghosts.

However, they are certainly more believable than a 6000 year old Earth, simply because the latter notion has already been completely scientifically debunked. :)

Only in your mind and perhaps 30 percent of the country has it been debunked not in my mind nor the majority of the country has it.They change the age of the earth and the age of the universe like I change my underwear.Now they're saying they are finding globular clusters 8 billion years older then the universe is but I'm sure next week they'll have an explanation for that,probably brought up by the same person that came up with an explanation for why they started pulling up extincnt 60,000,000 year old celocanths up out of the indian ocean.
Apr 6, 2004
al said:
They change the age of the earth and the age of the universe like I change my underwear.

Didn't you say that you wear the same pair of undergarments for weeks at a time?


Anyway, do you believe the Earth is 6,000 years old?


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Didn't you say that you wear the same pair of undergarments for weeks at a time?


Anyway, do you believe the Earth is 6,000 years old?

I wear them till they stand up on their own then i leave them stuck upright in a spung and i kill a bear and make another pair.

Actually I have never believed in macro evolution though I do allow for micro evolution like the changes in darwins finches and the eyelessness of cave salamanders.I'm a lumper when it comes to zoology and do believe that many of todays species are actually just locale variations of the same critters.I know my snakes best and i would venture to say that all milk and king snakes for instance may very well have been one kind of snake at one time and really still are because they can all breed and produce viable young with each other.I do believe in creation and don't believe in the evolution of a cell from amino acids created in a scummy pond by a lighning strike for instance or that my ancestors ever walked on four legs.As to the earth being 6000 years old I used to be an old earther like whipoorbill and believed in a localized flood in mesopotamia but over the last say ten years have become a young earther and have come to believe that the old earth/universe is just put forth by virtually all branches of natural science because the evolutionary theory would absolutely break down without it so all branches must converge to prop it up.I have since become convinced of a worlwide total flood of unimaginable destructiveness that accounts for most of the geology we see and have become an adherent of Walter browns hydroplate theory and woodmorrappe's theories of stratigraphy.
I do believe your in college for environmental science right? I wanted to take that too but am glad I didn't have the chance too because when one holds the beliefs I do you pretty much become unhirable because you buck the establishment.If you ever find yourself slipping into young earth beliefs keep it mum because the evloutionist propagandists will black list you,their have been many scientists to suffer backlash for admitting to such beliefs.
Me and old man whipoorbill have argued this subject for probably about as long as you've been on the old/young earth:)One of us is about as hard headed as the other.I seen your post bashing young earth christian types but i ignored it because I told him I'm to old to do this again but he egged me,basically called me a wuss if i let is slide.Calling me a wuss is like calling Marty McFly a chicken.
I think what I've done is hijack a thread and topics like this can piss people off so if I am upsetting anyone I'll be glad to desist.I can hear Bill now shouting GET HIM Gabe!Beware though,I did my homework:)
Ps food for thought.
How did an electrical motor evolve inside a single cell?All parts must appear simultaneously for it to work,to appear one at a time means they are useless and therefore not evolutionarily sound.