Ghost Stories of the Pines


Aug 11, 2005
opq said:
What about the Atco Ghost at the end of Burnt Mill?

There's always dorks looking for that one on any given Fri/Sat night.

I was one of those dorks in the summer of 1992. At the time I was driving a 1969 Mustang Mach 1 and was fresh out of high school. I had heard of the Atco ghost by some friends that I worked with. My friend and I were in the front two seats. Another friend and his girlfriend were in the back seat. Back then the pavement did a dead end, forming sort of a cul de sac. Written on the asphalt there were pentagrams, 666, etc... We even saw a bright red light far back in the woods. Never the less, this is what we did:

I had heard two stories. One being a drunken driver and the other being drag racers. So, like I had heard, I drove down the road, swerving like I was a drunk driver. Once we got to the end of the road, I turned the car around, flashed the lights three times and shut off the engine. The two in the back were goofing around and not really looking. However, my friend and I slowly saw a small figure form under that street light. Honest to God, it looked like a small boy, dribbling a ball. There was not enough detail to decipher a face, but it was definitely a figure on two legs. We were both 'deer in headlights' over this. The figure was dribbling a ball and walking, yet it never got any closer to us.

I can't say that we were scared, but we were incredibly uncomfortable. I tried to start the Mustang. Like in a horror movie, it wouldn't start. I realized I had my foot on the gas the whole time, effectively flooding the carburetor. After repeated tries, the Mustang fired and we were out of there.

As we passed, I looked for reflective materials that could have formed an illusion. All I found was a galvanized cyclone fence post, definitely not reflective.

I tried to go back again I guess about a month afterward. I did the swerving thing, only to be pulled over by a cop and given reckless driving ticket.

If this was indeed a manifestation, the only thing I could think triggered it over others was if he was indeed killed by drag racers. My car was modified and loud. Perhaps that got his attention? I really don't know. I would go back, but I have heard the road has been built up now and would not be kind to a car sitting on the side of the road.

Take it for what you will.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have been in a 1971 Mach 1 with a 429 many times in the early 70's, and I can say for sure the people in the back seat were just trying to get comfortable. That was the most cramped back seat I have ever been in! But I loved that car! The man who owned it would pick my friend and I up at Lenape and we would drive 100 MPH down Church road racing the Road Runners, all the while the extra wide rear tires scraping the sides of the car from our extra weight. Good times my friend...good times :)



Jan 20, 2006
THe road is the same as it always was. A few houses and the road dead ends where there is some sort of sewage plant at the end. Always went back there for fun. What people are actually seeing is a reflective post about 1/4 to 1/2 mile up the road on the left. I have been back there enough to know. One night we did go back to scare people coming back and I did see something weird. A shadow figure walked right in front of me. Believe me or not I saw something but the boy with the ball is BS. Its a reflective light post. Everytime I go back i see the post before I get to the end of the road. Not sure if there was really a kid killed.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
hey 4x4 where is the road at near atco,i work in the area and i'm trying to picture the sewage plant and burnt mill rd ,but it evades m,e


Mar 20, 2006
going south on the white horse pike you bear left and go over the bridge leading to the old white horse pike. burnt mill road is just on the other side of the bridge and you go all the way down the road, the sewage plant is around the end of the pavement.


Jan 20, 2006
Hey Tom Wamba is correct. Head south on WHP til a curve in the road to the right. There was an old gas station thats not working anymore on left. Vere left up the hill to the SKINNY railroad bridge. Hang a right. Burnt mill is down not even an 1/8 of a mile on the left. Hand a left and go to the end. Sewage plant is on the left. There is an alternate route also that will take you from the dirt path to burnt mill road. Go down Jackson road and before you hit the Raceway on the left make a right onto Treumont Ave. Take that to the end where it turns into dirt. Go all the way to the end where it Tees off and hang a right. Voula. Burnt mill road. It isnt a scary road anymore when you take the dirt path way because your like "I know this road". Cool trails back there. I like screwing with the people trying to see the ghost hehe.:jd:


Sep 14, 2008
Waterford, NJ
Has anyone else heard the story of Caranza Memorial?
What I heard was that some Mexican pilot was trying to prove himself, inspired by the flight of Charles Lindbergh. He made the trip from Mexico to New York City but then was grounded due to rain for three days. On the third day he received notification from the Mexican government that he was to leave immediatly. He took off and crashed only 50 miles from the airport, in the NJ Pine Barren's in Tabernacle, NJ. He was found in the woods the next day by blueberry pickers, with a flashlight imbedded in his right hand.

The lore side of this story is that if you go out to the Carranza Memorial in Tabernacle on any rainy night, you can sometimes hear a small plane fly over head and crash into the pines and that some people can hear voices speaking in spanish and that these voices come from all around you.

Another account says you have to get out of your car and go and put your hand on the Monument and say the name Emilio and if you remain quiet you will here someone speaking in spanish and see a light appear and disappear in the woods. This is supposed to be the pilot walking through the woods with the flashlight that was imbedded in his hand.

I have been to the Monument at night. It is indeed scary to be there but I have never experienced anything paranormal when I was there. It's a great place to tell spooky stories and get scared though.


Jul 29, 2007
I was one of those dorks in the summer of 1992. At the time I was driving a 1969 Mustang Mach 1 and was fresh out of high school. I had heard of the Atco ghost by some friends that I worked with. My friend and I were in the front two seats. Another friend and his girlfriend were in the back seat. Back then the pavement did a dead end, forming sort of a cul de sac. Written on the asphalt there were pentagrams, 666, etc... We even saw a bright red light far back in the woods. Never the less, this is what we did:

I had heard two stories. One being a drunken driver and the other being drag racers. So, like I had heard, I drove down the road, swerving like I was a drunk driver. Once we got to the end of the road, I turned the car around, flashed the lights three times and shut off the engine. The two in the back were goofing around and not really looking. However, my friend and I slowly saw a small figure form under that street light. Honest to God, it looked like a small boy, dribbling a ball. There was not enough detail to decipher a face, but it was definitely a figure on two legs. We were both 'deer in headlights' over this. The figure was dribbling a ball and walking, yet it never got any closer to us.

I can't say that we were scared, but we were incredibly uncomfortable. I tried to start the Mustang. Like in a horror movie, it wouldn't start. I realized I had my foot on the gas the whole time, effectively flooding the carburetor. After repeated tries, the Mustang fired and we were out of there.

As we passed, I looked for reflective materials that could have formed an illusion. All I found was a galvanized cyclone fence post, definitely not reflective.

I tried to go back again I guess about a month afterward. I did the swerving thing, only to be pulled over by a cop and given reckless driving ticket.

If this was indeed a manifestation, the only thing I could think triggered it over others was if he was indeed killed by drag racers. My car was modified and loud. Perhaps that got his attention? I really don't know. I would go back, but I have heard the road has been built up now and would not be kind to a car sitting on the side of the road.

Take it for what you will.

Almost same thing happened to me, summer of 93 or 94. I actually brought my parents back a few months later and not only did we see it again, my dad who was driving ( and is not prone to the supernatural saw someone in the rearview) we took off

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
I've been chasing people off of burntmill for about 10 years now. you get a bunch of out of towners out there that trash the area. there is no ghost, no satan worshipping, and no kkk meetings. I grew up about 1 mile from there on the corner of tremont and Martha. I still come barreling out of the dirt road with my lights off and turn them on at the last secongd to scare them away.