Grave of Charles Wills

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I added a photo that I found of the Charles Wills grave near Eagle. I took it sometime in the winter of 2000. You can see that it was pretty decorated, with a flag, etc.

I'd really like to know who takes care of this grave and why there there is a WW1 marker at it.

You can see the photo by going into the "Monuments" image gallery, and then selecting the Charles Wills grave.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I am willing to bet that the owner of that house takes care of it. That road is basically their driveway.



No one knows, except that he was an infant who died in 1839. Father Beck, when he was there in the 1930s, saw charred remains of wooden grave markers in line on both sides of the grave. Those of course are gone now. The grave site is also known as the Eagle Cemetery, named for the Eagle Tavern up the road. There was supposed to have been a community built near the tavern.
KARL said:
bruset, HI BEN, ME AGAIN..........WHO WAS CHARLES WILLS...........KARL


New Member
Feb 10, 2004
thanks alot

i was also wondering if there were any taverens located in the new gretna, tuckerton, west creek area? or any other sites in that area that anyone knows about?


My Boyer's book is out on loan, but I do have info in another book re: Tuckerton.
First tavern keeper was Joseph Gaunt, who was licensed in July 1769. Followed by Reuben Tucker in 1774 as keeper of the tavern on Main Street near Wood Street.
"Tuckerton Township, whose boundaries were defined by the court at Burlington at the May 1741 term, is very often confused with Little Egg Harbor. Actually it is on Tuckerton Creek, which leads into Little Egg Harbor Inlet and so to the Atlantic Ocean.
Another colonial tavern in Tuckerton was opened by Caleb Evans, also in 1769, in a frame building thatstood a few doors north of the present Carlton Hotel. The Carlton Hotel was formerly known as the Union Hotel and was not established until about 1819, judging from the first license application." -Van Hoesen
John Pearce says "The actual stage taverns were limited by law in number and location. They had to be a half day's journey apart. In what would become Washington Township, additional inns were built at Hampton Gate and Quaker Bridge (where the road crossed the Batsto River). Another would be built on the Quaker Bridge Road at Mount. The last stop before the "town" of Little Egg Harbor Meeting was the Bass River Hotel, where the stage route crossed the river of that name. After Tuckerton received its name in 1798, this old Road to Little Egg Harbor became known as the Tuckerton Road. For a hundred years, this route bisected what would be, by 1802, Washington Township, and the little towns along the way were prosperous. Next to the Mullica itself, this road was the artery along which flowed the lifeblood of the pines. The taverns were the central meeting places, the voting stations, the gatherining places for local militia training, and the hangouts for the workers in the iron furnaces and forges which dotted the area. "