Green Bank Inn


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Im in there frequently, just last weekend actually. The place got a name for itself as a biker bar, but its really not that big of a biker hangout. They get their share during nice weather and poker runs, but the place is mostly just locals on regular days. Very nice owner who's bought me plenty of drinks. He looks like a cross-bred Jerry Garcia (mustache only) and Andy Reid (Eagles coach). One of the few bars I've seen more dogs than patrons in at times. They'll still throw you an ashtray if you need one too. Good times.

Found out the guy I thought was the owner is not afterall, but lives upstairs. The owner is a very friendly woman who's been there for over 30 years. Thought they both owned it but they are not married. The small gravemarks out back are burried urns of the owner's family members (special to her, but not too interesting if you're looking for old historical info).


New Member
Jan 19, 2011
If you mean Allen's Clam Bar, that would be the New Gretna Inn, across from the Rustic Inn. The NGI burned down. The Bungalow Inn was closer to Egg Harbor Lake.

The Bungalow Inn has been closed for years and years. Renault Winery bought it back when they expanded to a resort complete with a golf course. I believe at the time they wanted to make it into a sort of corporate retreat facility. I'm guessing that fell through though. More recently, at least the past few years it looks like it's been turned into a private residence.

As for The many fond memories. Places like that just do not exist anymore. I think it's my favorite stopping place out in the Pines. The best Hollywood set designer couldn't even come close to capturing it's special charm. Plus you can't beat the prices!


Apr 30, 2010
Where needed.
The place across from Allen's Clam Bar was The New Gretna House not Inn. The former Bungalow, just north of Egg Harbor City Lake still stands and is indeed a private residence.
Curmudgeon, you're correct - I can't believe I called it that! I went to church just down the road for years, you'd think I'd remember correctly. The Lower Bank Inn was and still remains my personal favorite as I went to school with the late Marguerite Cramer, whose dad Will operated the place for many years. We had a lot of good times with her brothers down in the basement enjoying shorties while the adults got snockered upstairs. Anyway, the interior of the Rustic Inn is still old-school with that crazy paneling. Here's an old shot from when it was Cramer's Grill:


And as I knew it, but not this raggedy looking of course:



Mar 12, 2008
Hammonton, NJ.
Green Bank Tavern

Been there a few times myself. It's a nice bar and the food is great after a day of exploring. I pick and choose my visits because the biker crowd are not usually fans of Kawasakis. The subs across the street are pretty good too.


New Member
Jan 30, 2012
I know about the grave sites, it's my uncle. I have not been back to the bar in 30 years or so. Next time any of you are there raise a beer for my Uncle O.
Havent been there since the 90s. It was a bad night. I had a sore throat that had come on during the day, but otherwise felt OK. That evening I went with my friend Vicki to see the fireworks in EHC. After we went up to Green Bank in and I thought a nice cold Birch Beer (I don't drink alcohol)may feel nice on my sore throat. We stayed two hours and I couldn't even finish it. Some wacky guy kept trying to get me to dance, even as I told him I wasn't up for it. Finally we left and I went home to bed. Woke up 4 hours later, my throat swollen and unable to breath and showed up at urgent care at 6am. They did a culture and turns out I had a nasty case of Strept Throat. They gave me some Prednisolone pack and antibiotics, which helped within in the hour. Everytime I pass that place I think of the Strept Throat. Its just funny how you think of a place and remember all the details of that day like it was yesterday.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
They did a culture and turns out I had a nasty case of Strept Throat. Raven

I had strep throat that led to Rheumatic Fever when I was 5. I woke up in the morning and could not walk. I had to crawl outside to my mother who was visiting friends out in the backyard. My dad had to carry me to the hospital once a week or so(?) for penicillen therapy. I really wish it had never happened.
It was in the English Creek Shopping Center. I forget what they called it, but it was the "urgent care " of its time. One could go there for an immediate attention rather than the ER. I think it got closed down as one of the main Drs there was involved in some kind of scandle. the name Dr Eddie sound like the one. But I saw a different Dr there.

Gene Berman

New Member
Mar 3, 2017
Gibbstown, NJ
Used to snake-hunt the area--usually coming south from Chatsworth,, then on to Weekstown, Pleasant Mills, (Batsto was nothing but ruins in those days ( '48-'55). Most always stopped for a soda, later a beer and, even in those days, there were frequently biker patrons. Occasionally, we'd
jog east to Forked River before coming back and crossing the bridge toward Weekstown.
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