Gun clubs? or shooting ranges?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
passenger sleeping in moving car

There's a law against a passenger sleeping in a moving car?

When I was in high school I was on the rifle team and was pretty good, worked my way all the way through the NRA qualifications with a .22 rifle on a 50 ft range. That was over 40 years ago! :)

Have been thinking it might be fun to get another .22 rifle and do some target shooting on my own land (is that even legal?). How much red tape is involved with this? Can I just walk into a store and buy a .22, or do I need all kinds of paperwork first?


Jan 3, 2008
Yup in Pemberton Borough sleeping passenger gets a fine for some unsafe operation of a vehicle for the driver.

I was in court when it happended, along with someone with sunglasses on at night, and too much stuff on dashboard.

I avoid this town now and DO NOT and WILL NOT spend a dime there after being robbed for supposedly blocking an intersection when the green arrow for a left turn went to red. However, there were two other cars that stopped form someone to cross in the crosswalk. Cop did not care, and was very angry female officer.

Many small towns have found a way to tax us with fines !

Now as far as having a firearm. It is not worth it in NJ.

In pa anyone can carry with a permit, and if you have a Florida non resident permit approximately 29 other states accept that permit as your right to carry.

In NJ. Seem you have no right to protect yourself.

In the pines. You have to watch your back as you would anywhere.

I feel safer in the pines then any mall or public street. Even though my trailer was stolen and an ATV'er tried to purposefully run me over on my own property.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
Have been thinking it might be fun to get another .22 rifle and do some target shooting on my own land (is that even legal?). How much red tape is involved with this? Can I just walk into a store and buy a .22, or do I need all kinds of paperwork first?

I love .22's and they are still reasonably cheap to shoot.
I shoot a few thousand rounds a year at my club in a fun league that shoots every Thursday night.
I have a Ruger 7722 which is a tackdriver.
A few of my friends are going with the Checkos CZ's. Very nice guns and reasonable.

You will need a NJ Firearms Purcahasers ID card in order to buy any firearm and sadly, even a BB gun in NJ.
So much for getting your kid or grandkid a Red Ryder.
Visit your local PD and fill out the paperwork, pay the man and have two references.
If you are lucky, in 6 months you might have your permit to purchase.
The law says you should get your permit in 30 days but unfortunately that doesn't reperesent the real world in NJ.
The ID card is good for life for the purchase of longarms only.
Handgun permits are a separate funfest.
You must apply for a permit to purchase each handgun and the permit expires if you do not buy within 90 days.
Each time you purchase a gun you are subject to the federal NICS check for which you must pay $15.00.
Good news! As of this year, you will be taxed on that background check too!
May the force be with you.


wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
This comes up alot on PA' Firearms owners . org' alot.

Anyone from PA can drive into NJ to attend a pistol shooting event as long as federal transportation rules are followed. i.e. cased/wrapped & ammo stored separately AND you drive directly to the range and directly back to PA. Don't stop for a meal, don't stop for gas, etc.

There is no out of state permit/license honored in NJ. Longarms may be treated differently so you friend may be ok w/ a .22 rifle.

NJ requires one member of the group have a valid NJ hunting license so he needs a buddy from NJ to use the state ranges, like the one in Greenwood WMU or the one in Colliers Mills WMU...

I leave all my stuff at Mom's in PA as I don't want the hassle of NJ's rules.

The firearms ID card is not required to obtain a NJ hunting license and any weapon legally purchased out of state is leagal to possess in NJ, even a handgun; just don't violate any of the rules.

I know alot of hunters who do not have the ID card for their shotguns. While it legal to purchase a longarm in PA, you have to meet your home state rules so that's the time to bring your ID card along; problem is finding a dealer who wants the hassle of doing the transfer for a NJ resident even w/ the proper ID...

All of my stuff was purchased b/4 moving here and I won't bring them here.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
If I were to get a handgun permit, and then bought a gun out of state, how would I legally bring it home?

Bob, if you obtained a permit to purchase a handgun it is only valid in NJ.
To purchase out of state, most states that I am aware of require at a minimum, reidency in their state.

Florida was notorious for weak regulations on out of state gun purchases but has supposedly made a lot of improvements.
Unfortunately Florida's past weaknesses encouraged gun trafficking and put a lot of illegal weapons on the street.

I am not against regulation, my frustrations are with the unreasonable length of time it takes for a clean person to obtain a permit in this state and the variability between municipalities in how they move the permit process.


Jan 13, 2006
You will need a NJ Firearms Purcahasers ID card in order to buy any firearm and sadly, even a BB gun in NJ.
So much for getting your kid or grandkid a Red Ryder.


My firearms ID is from 1981, so I guess it's still good. I've used it to by BB's. As far as buying shooting equipment in NJ, when he was young I tried to buy my son a wrist rocket sling shot from Cabella's so we could shoot together (I still have mine from when I was a kid) and they would not sell it to me because I was from New Jersey. That must have been a mistake, right? Are sling shots really illegal in this state?


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I got my NJ ID not too long ago to bring my guns home from NY state. They told me 4-6 weeks and it really took about 3 months. On the plus side, I never asked for the handgun permits, but was given 3 when they gave me my ID. I have 3 months to use them or they expire. I was also told if I come into the station before they expire, they can give me the paperwork good for another 3 months. Once the total 6 months is up you're sh*t outta luck and need to go through the process all over again. I wasnt planning on getting a handgun, but now that I have the chance, I might just go for it. Im thinking a nice .357, what are some of your favorite handguns? Im a big cowboy and western buff. Never shot a .44, but know they're pretty popular. My friends 357 is a riot to shoot. Any thoughts?


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Im thinking a nice .357, what are some of your favorite handguns? Im a big cowboy and western buff. Never shot a .44, but know they're pretty popular. My friends 357 is a riot to shoot. Any thoughts?

I recently purchased a Ruger GP-100 357 Magnum revolver and am very happy with it. I spoke to several friends of mine who are cops before purchasing and they agreed that the 357 revolver is one of their favorites as it is simple, reliable and very effective. This is one tough gun and one magazine review of it says that "you can run it over with a tank, pick it up and start firing". This gun shoots 38s or 357 magnum so for target practice it is cheaper to use the 38s.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I recently purchased a Ruger GP-100 357 Magnum revolver and am very happy with it. I spoke to several friends of mine who are cops before purchasing and they agreed that the 357 revolver is one of their favorites as it is simple, reliable and very effective. This is one tough gun and one magazine review of it says that "you can run it over with a tank, pick it up and start firing". This gun shoots 38s or 357 magnum so for target practice it is cheaper to use the 38s.

Sounds like a nice gun.. where did you make your purchase and how bad was the damage to the old wallet?


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Sounds like a nice gun.. where did you make your purchase and how bad was the damage to the old wallet?
I bought the gun at Bobs Little Sport Shop in Glassboro, who I would highly recommend as they are very knowledgeable, and friendly. This was my first handgun purchase (I already have rifle and shotgun) and their insight and advice I found to be very helpful. They also have an indoor range and familiarized me with the gun at the range (using their ammo!).
The gun was just under $500.00 (has a 6" barrel), but from what I read, ever since election day, the cost of guns has gone up and in some cases stores have sold out creating a backlog.


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
..... but from what I read, ever since election day, the cost of guns has gone up and in some cases stores have sold out creating a backlog.

What you have read is true. I shoot evey week and I am seeing ammo shortages becoming more common and the prices escalating as well.
Good Ol' Barack Hussein has unknowingly done quite a lot to stimulate the economy with respect to the gun buying public.

Here is an AP article that was sent to me yesterday from a friend in my club highlighting the issues:


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Cool. And these people can store all the ammo down in their bunkers, right next to the bottled water and canned food left over from Y2K. :dance:


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Any other good stores I can shop around at? I've been to the Sportsmans Center in Bordentown a couple of times, but they seem to have high prices.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Kislins can get you just about anything, but the prices might be higher than you can find elsewhere. Until Ray's sold out, that was where I went to drool. There was a place called Zeus down near AC, but I've never been there.