Very probable and likely since the farmhouse pre-dates Hospital Road. I think the portion of the service road from Hospital Road to the area of the airplane field (which is the location of the old farm there) may be secondary driveway for the old farm perhaps, just based on the fact that no mining appears to have been done in that specific area and since the road turns abruptly away from the field area. It's also very likely that the mining operations used that portion of the driveway since it was already cleared and they continued it west to the mining area. I also noticed on the aerial map that the road leading in from Herbertsville Rd, where you saw the foundations, continues through the mining area (sandy area), goes behind the farm area (airplane field) and continues up to what is now the water treatment plant. I think this road is probably the original road to the farm since Hospital Road is newer than the farmhouses in the area so the service road would be a later access driveway for the farmhouse, if it was one. This may be why there are farming debris along this trail towrds Herbertsville Rd. After Hospital Road was laid, the farm probably connected to Hospital Road since it was closer and the later mining operations used both roads (the service road and trail in from Herbertsville Rd.) for access. There probably was another outlet directly down from the sandy clearing where you can see the mining continued all the way from there down to the roadside.