Here's a good laugh for ya....


Apr 4, 2011
This is his response to me asking if he knew it was illegal to remove, possess, or sell any artifact removed from a New Jersey state forest. I also included the link above.

"Darn... nope.. didnt know that. Just found this neat rock and decided to take it home. Thanks for letting me know though."
- Joe

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
I applaud people who come up with a business idea like ebay and are able to bring it to life and make a profit from it, but I have disdain for people who have no ethics about the way they make money. I learned about ebay's business ethics the hard way.

I purchased a $1,000 retractible bed cover for my pick-up truck on ebay. When my truck cover arrived, it was obviously defective and would not retract without great effort, so I packed it back up in the shipping box and didn't install it. Over the course of the next six weeks I sent numerous emails to the seller asking for instructions to return it. My emails were ignored. I made several phone calls to the seller and left voicemail messages. My calls were never returned. I finally sent a certified letter to the seller, to which he did not respond. I filed a claim with ebay's buyers protection program, fully expecting that my claim would be an easy slam dunk and I would get my money back. To my absolute shock, ebay sided with the seller and said I was due no refund or exchange. When I asked why, they told me the box had been opened, which is insane. How else could I have discovered that the merchandise was defective without opening the box and trying it? Fortunately a consumer advocate came to my rescue and saved me from the aggrivation of having to sue the seller in small claims court. I received a replacement from the seller that worked fine. This ebay seller has a store with hundreds of listings. Ebay didn't adjudicate my issue with the seller based on the facts, the evidence, or on fairness. They made their decision based on what was in the best interests of their bottom line. They probably make hundreds or thousands of dollas in listing fees and sales fees from this seller every year, and less than $20 a year from me.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Anybody who would buy something like that on eBay would have to be either Old or Crazy.... :D


I'd like to say that I have learned my lesson, but I just spent $63 on ebay for top water minnow lures that I discovered swim crooked. Unless I can find a pond where the fish are used to seeing baitfish staggering around drunk, these lures are pretty much going to be useless. :bang:


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ

I'd like to say that I have learned my lesson, but I just spent $63 on ebay for top water minnow lures that I discovered swim crooked. Unless I can find a pond where the fish are used to seeing baitfish staggering around drunk, these lures are pretty much going to be useless. :bang:

Try bending the eye opposite the direction of where its going.