Hi, I'm new (to posting) here


New Member
Jun 24, 2007
Hi, I've been lurking here for a while and was welcomed when i posted a pic a short while ago so i figured i would get around to saying hi.

i live outside of philadelphia and just discovered that the woods were so close by. i had no idea until i went on a drive with a few friends up by lebanon state park last november. after that i picked up a couple of topos and a GPS and i've been coming out with my family since then.they have a great time every time out, whether camping, hiking, swimming, whatever.

I have a suburban and a dune buggy that we take depending on the weather. i like to stick to the big trails and sightsee. i was surprised to find how much history this area contains! There is so much to explore and so few people out there.

I did have a couple of questions for anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction.
i have been looking for an easy to use field guide that is barrens specific containing plants,wildlife and all. I found a nice on for reptiles on a park site but not an all encompassing one. is there one out there? I have been finding pictures and info online at barrens sites and planning to put one together myself so my kids could learn about what is out there while having fun doing it.figured they will like to be able to check off things they have seen out in the woods.

and i would like to take them out to see the crannberies as they are aput to be harvested like pictures i've seen with the bogs covered in red. is there a good place that we can see something like that? it looks like that would be around october and i have seen plenty of bogs around areas like chattsworth. are they active fields there?

so , thanks for the welcome and if you see a buggy out there, more than likely it will be us so say hi!



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
Welcome to the site, Beachbug. I have two friends with whom I most often visit the barrens. Both of them are bug and plant freaks, so I will ask them about the field guide. Several of the members here are very knowledgeable as well. I go more for the history and the sense of exploration.

In addition to viewing the cranberry fields I bet your family would get a kick out of picking blueberries. I've taken my girls once this year (got a great pie out of it), and we're considering going again this weekend. You can find nice patches along many of the lowland ways.