"Hidden Lakes" in NJ Pine Barrens???


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
Back in the early 70's we used some of that area for our Enduro.It was a prestine area.No trash No parties.Enter the beer parties and what ever else they do.Trashed the area on a daily basis.One guy wound up in the water in his jeep.Could not get out of his seat belt and drowned.Shortly there after, the State shut down the area.Damn shame.
I remember using the area back in the 70s also. It was a nice place to swim and too party as well. There was a great rope swing and the water was deep in spots. It is absolutely amazing how trashed that place became. I'll never understand why people destroy a place they apparently enjoyed, kinda like pooping in your own bed :argh:


Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
I don't wear a seatbelt in the pines. There's no danger of an incident involving massive deceleration because I don't drive fast, and there's no danger of getting thrown in a rollover because I don't get into those situations either. When I take the kids I don't make them wear belts, and when my wife heard it from them she was a little bent out of shape. But my analysis is that the worst potential accident for me in the pines is flipping into some water, and in that event the belts are a danger to life and limb, rather than the reverse.


Mar 9, 2007
If I remember correctly the Jeep went into the water.Other people went to help,but no one had a knife to cut the belt.Bummer.I carry a knife all the time.


New Member
Jun 24, 2010
Sorry for dragging up this old thread. I was bored at work and stumbled across it.

Anyway, so is this area legal to travel in as long as you don't go off the roads or do anything stupid? Just asking, my pops and mom use to hang out there alot in his CJ well before I was born. Heard alot of stories and seen some old pics. I would love to just be able to drive around and see the see it for myself but have been nervous about big fines. Maybe even drag my pops along, and see what type of stories he ends up bringing up.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Sorry for dragging up this old thread. I was bored at work and stumbled across it.

Anyway, so is this area legal to travel in as long as you don't go off the roads or do anything stupid? Just asking, my pops and mom use to hang out there alot in his CJ well before I was born. Heard alot of stories and seen some old pics. I would love to just be able to drive around and see the see it for myself but have been nervous about big fines. Maybe even drag my pops along, and see what type of stories he ends up bringing up.

Just drive up close from the east until you see the signs saying go no further, then you and your pop can walk in and reminisce. Sounds like a fun day.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Wear boots if you want to walk around. Have a good time.


Zack Snyder

New Member
Feb 2, 2014
West Long Branch
I found this place around spring 2010 and I remember it was raining out, about 2 minutes after I pulled in off the trail A wildlife marshall pulled up behind me blocking me in. He gave me A $55 ticket for being in A restricted area, I had to pay to Manchester Twp. The Officer did tell me I was aloud on the trail that goes by the old clay pit but cant drive off. I have been back there many times since and I am curious to find out where the towns actually were.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Well, Henry Beck states that the town itself was dug up in the mining process. When I first visited there in the summer of 1973 there was a concrete foundation alongside the only path leading down the hill on the south side of the eastern lake. It was still there in later years but I am uncertain if it still is there. This may not have been part of the town and may have been from the mining operations themselves. If it was part of the town I can say that the town was not completely dug up then.

It was and may still be located in this area. I have not been there in a while and erosion is really talking it's toll on the place. I suspect it broke apart and slid down the hill into pieces.


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I had just learned to drive and was standing beside the road next to the entrance of my school. A friend (who also just learned to drive) pulled out of the entrance, hit a passing car broadside and his head went right through the windshield. He was not even going very fast, but he wasn't wearing a seatbelt. That was around 1966, but it made such a lasting impression that I never go anywhere without a seatbelt.


Jan 2, 2003
With the doors off the TJ and driving on bumpy pine roads, the belt is the only thing keeping me and especially my passenger from falling out.
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Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I have always wore a seat belt.I started driving before it was the law but you had to wear it on your test or they would fail you so I got used to wearing it on my permit and then always did, that is till about three years ago I got trapped in my belt.The lock jammed and I could not get it off.I was on my way to work on the night shift and could not get out of the belt in my own driveway so after ten minutes of fighting with it I got mad and whipped out my knife and cut myself out of it.Then after contacting the dealer I found out it was 450 dollars to replace it I said BS and refused to replace it.My wife called junk yards on the internet and found one in Va. for 75 bucks but my mechanic son in law told her to never trust internet junk yards,most of them didn't exist so she refused to order it. For over two years I did not have a belt till my Suzuki finally wore out and I got the Nissan.Now once again I am belted in unless in the woods but the darn doors lock every time I take off in it so the first time I miss a snake who needs my help getting off the road and gets off the road before I can get to him I"m writing the manufacturer about their stupid automatic door lock.Then again it is a nice feature when I"m riding through the Millville hood at night and pull up to a stop light knowing the door is locked already.People have been getting yanked out of their cars at lights and whooped and robbed.I"d hate for someone to yank me out of my car and then for me to have to whoop and rob em.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Generally there's some sort of combination of buttons you can push to reprogram the car to not lock the doors automatically. It should be in your owner's manual.

Worst case scenario the dealer can do it.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I can remember seeing my first seat belt. My parents cars for some reason did not have them and while in grade school and seriously sick, the school nurse drove me home. I believe it was either a 1964 1/2 or 1965 Mustang.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Always wear a belt and shoulder harness. Always. Experience taught me.




There have been a couple other fender benders along the way, but none that tested the belts as these did. In each case I was just driving along, when some a'hole did something stupid.