Hiker Killed in Bear Attack in NJ


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
"They ran in different directions when a black bear began to follow them."

Unfortunate that their actions most likely contributed to his death. If a person, or group, is going where bears are know residents, its just plain common sense to educate ones self on how to react to them if encountered. Running away is the #1 no-no.


Dec 22, 2011
Agreed in regards to the running away, but still I think that this was a very atypical bear encounter. I say this especially because the encounter began when the bear approached a group of grown men, which, to my understanding, is nearly unheard of. I would guess it was a young male bear living among larger bears and was having trouble establishing territory and was becoming hyper-aggressive? There is another facet to this which I don't want to mention out of respect for him (not blaming him for his actions) that makes me think that this is an unusual incident as far as bear encounters.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Agreed in regards to the running away, but still I think that this was a very atypical bear encounter. I say this especially because the encounter began when the bear approached a group of grown men, which, to my understanding, is nearly unheard of. I would guess it was a young male bear living among larger bears and was having trouble establishing territory and was becoming hyper-aggressive? There is another facet to this which I don't want to mention out of respect for him (not blaming him for his actions) that makes me think that this is an unusual incident as far as bear encounters.

It is really not atypical, fairly common actually for a bear to begin tracking a person or group. But it is also much easier to defend from then the surprise encounter. Obviously we do not know, but the investigation should discover, if this group had any open food while hiking. I would wager they did, which would be another contributing factor. A bears sense of smell is incredible, and with their need for food this time of year adds to the problem.

As this stalking video shows, they can be relentless. Gotta keep your wits about you, but that's very hard to do.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I don't think it would have attacked five of them together,especially if they acted aggressive toward the bear.I have had numerous dogs charge me with bared fangs,ears back out for blood but to a one when I charged them as they charged me they all squeal and scatter with their tails between their legs.Might work with a bear as well?


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
That's the recommended approach for black bears; get aggressive towards them. In that video you could see the attitude of the bear change once the joggers became aggressive toward it; it then ran off as they continued their aggressiveness. Jury is out if that would work if it were a sow with cubs. I think I would pull out my S&W .500 mag.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Looks like food may have played a part.

"Perhaps it was diseased or rabid, for example, said Kelcey Burguess, a black bear biologist with the New Jersey Department of Fish, Game and Wildlife. Burguess said it is "very rare" for a bear to have rabies, however. It's more likely the bear was looking for food, he said.

The hikers told authorities the bear appeared to be following them; they were all carrying granola bars and water. The number of acorns in the woods where the bear was is far lower than it should be at this time of year, Burguess said. The bear was also stalking the body when police arrived, and Burguess said it's common for black bears to guard their food sources."


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
just got to see the stalking video.Wasn't working yesterday.I think they coulda took him.Rock meets head,foot meets arse and that bear woulda found a bigger tree to climb.I generally have a five inch sheath knife on me,was all they had was a rock?Must be a rough life having to scare the hell out of old men hoping they'll drop something.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
From what I understood these kids came across another pair of hikers towards them and were warned "There's a bear following us." Then they decided to keep going down the trail towards the bear.