what looks like back in June by Bob M.................."Waiting patiently for the children of Bamber Lake. Those that remain that is. :devil:
http://www.njpinebarrens.com/forums...iew_phot o.php
I followed the link -didnt work and then looked through your gallery Bob and couldnt find it-somewhere else???
Ive been reading the old posts for hours now: enjoyed reading about squealing red ants and looking at mystery animals and such and I think I wouldve really enjoyed this picture of vultures if you know how I can see it.
On a walk behind my home I once saw a group of those Turkey Vultures (5 of them standing around chatting) and then not more than 10 minutes later I stumbled on 4 wild TURKEYS walking around. It made for a very different walk indeed
http://www.njpinebarrens.com/forums...iew_phot o.php
I followed the link -didnt work and then looked through your gallery Bob and couldnt find it-somewhere else???
Ive been reading the old posts for hours now: enjoyed reading about squealing red ants and looking at mystery animals and such and I think I wouldve really enjoyed this picture of vultures if you know how I can see it.
On a walk behind my home I once saw a group of those Turkey Vultures (5 of them standing around chatting) and then not more than 10 minutes later I stumbled on 4 wild TURKEYS walking around. It made for a very different walk indeed