Hurricane season begins today and

I'm finishing up Great Storms of the Jersey Shore, it's a little terrifying. I can't believe some the pictures from the 1962 Nor'Easter. Really, the Jersey shore has been very fortunate for a long while, it's been such a long time since we had a direct blow.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I had to remove the photo you posted because we have been threatened with legal action if a photo is posted that is not legally our or yours. I added in the link .


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Really, the Jersey shore has been very fortunate for a long while, it's been such a long time since we had a direct blow.

We had a direct blow on 10/29-31/2011 that was called Sandy, when it wasn't a hurricane. It killed 233, caused $68+/- billion in damage and went into the record books as the largest Atlantic hurricane on record. Came ashore about 5 miles from us. It was fortunate it was not a cat 3.
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We had a direct blow on 10/29-31/2011 that was called Sandy, when it wasn't a hurricane. It killed 233, caused $68+/- in damage and went into the record books as the largest Atlantic hurricane on record. Came ashore about 5 miles from us. It was fortunate it was not a cat 3.

After the storm, I was left afterwards with the feeling that we got incredibly, incredibly lucky. That storm lost a ton of strength right before it hit us, it's almost unimaginable what it would have done if it hadn't. I guess that why, as awful as it was, it registers in my brain as not "a direct blow".

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Just a couple of pix.

If you don't own those photos or have permission to share them online then please don't post them.

I've already had to shell out of pocket for an attorney to defend against a copyright claim from a newspaper company based on something that another user here shared.

I hate to spoil the fun but I'm not really looking to do that again.