I need some help


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
My sister took me to martha once and we didnt go the harrisville way, recently i have tried to mimic her way with only one good result. We made a left off of 563 onto lake oswego rd, we followed that road til it turned into a dirt road, down the road a little more we ran into a fork, we went to the right and not far down we saw foundations in the woods. Wondering about the other side of the road my hubby explored over there and found more foundations. I have researched this page a bit and can't seem to find anything about it. I have put some of the pics up on a page for you to look at all of them. Would greatly appreciate any info anyone has on this little find of mine :)


Thanks Much !!
Hi Jugsy,
I am familier with that spot. It may have been for a cranberry or logging operation, I'm not sure.
The only way I know of that you can drive to Martha is off of Rt 679 at Harrisville or up Oswego Rd from Munion Field. You can hike from Oswego Lake to Martha but you would have to go over private property.



New Member
Apr 15, 2006

I don't know how she did it but she did it ..... i have not been able to figure it out and i went with her lol. thanks for the reply to my pics, its greatly apreciated !!!!!!
Jugsy said:
I don't know how she did it but she did it ..... i have not been able to figure it out and i went with her lol. thanks for the reply to my pics, its greatly apreciated !!!!!!

There is a chance that she drove over private property. There is a gate at Andrews Rd. Perhaps it was open when she did it.


PS. It's easier from Harrisville anyway.


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
i think that is the only way she could have, i saw the gate and wouldnt drive thru. The first time we went out to look we didnt have any books or anything with info, just a few things we read on the web. The book(s) help ALOT. lol I couldn't find this place in any book or on any site, I was curious to say the least.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
A lot of the best places aren't in books. :)

Anyway, thanks for joining the site. What's really awesome about this place is that you get answers quick. I joined another site today to ask a question about my new cell phone and - six hours later - I have only had one reply that didn't even begin to answer my question.

You guys rock.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
Hi Jugsy,
I am familier with that spot. It may have been for a cranberry or logging operation, I'm not sure.
The only way I know of that you can drive to Martha is off of Rt 679 at Harrisville or up Oswego Rd from Munion Field. You can hike from Oswego Lake to Martha but you would have to go over private property.



So do you think that Jeep that came from the Oswego Gun Club while we were eating was returning on the same road it went in, or did it come from the Oswego area? If it came from the Oswego area there must be a way in.

EDIT: I guess they could have come up past the Cedar Cut and made the loop and came in that way.



New Member
Apr 15, 2006
Thanks for the Welcome:) Stu did refer to the site but some guy named ben invited me to post in the forums. :) So Stu only gets half the fee . hehehehehe I do have a questions about how you guys get them quotes in your posts ?? lol (It says under da name, Newbie) Again Thanks much !!

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Jugsy said:
Thanks for the Welcome:) Stu did refer to the site but some guy named ben invited me to post in the forums. :) So Stu only gets half the fee . hehehehehe I do have a questions about how you guys get them quotes in your posts ?? lol (It says under da name, Newbie) Again Thanks much !!

So on the post that you want to quote, there will be a button that says quote in the lower right hand corner. Click on that, then add your reply under the text that shows up in the message box.