I Need your opinion


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
My friend(from pennsville) and I decided to explore these woods accross the street from my house , because i just moved with my parents and my bro. These woods arent too small either its gotta be at least 900+ acres which is rare above the canal in delaware(new castle county) I moved to bear, Delaware which is between pennsville, and salem but in delaware. Anyway we were explorin the woods and we saw some tracks i thought that they were deer but there were only 2 tracks not 4 so wutever it was walked upright which was pretty weird because they were hoofs and the only thing i know that has hoofs in delaware are deer, and there are alot of them around here. so we followed the tracks and ended up at an abandoned farm in the middle of a field in the middle of the woods, it was definatly abandoned, so we kept going until my friend found a skull , and a spine(weird) then he found a ribcage under a bucket, we explored the chicken coops and the house , then we went into the stable it was BIG , we were lookin around for a little and then we heard sumthin up on the roof of the place and kept on hearin it, we both ran outside and looked up on the roof and there it was , a Huge freakin bird thing(coulda bin jersey devil not sure thou thats y in askin) It's head didnt look like a birds and it didnt have a beak , its head was elongated like a collie head it, and it had huge wings which looked kinda like bat wings but looked stronger it sqwaucked and spread its wings which were at least 3 feet longer than itself head to foot , im guessin it was abouit 5 ft tall 8 foot wingspan but we startin Runnin like hell and when we turned around to look it was flyin off in the other direction towards the woods....im not sure if it was the devil or not because it was in Delaware also my dad said it was probably a hawk.

If you dont no Bear is about 6 miles southwest of New Castle and about 15 miles southwest of Wilmington


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
The foot prints we followed were about 4-5 inches long about 3 inches wide and looked like this, well like the tracks looked like this thats y i think it walked or walks upright, wutever it was







Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I'd say you oughta call the State Museum boy. What youve got theer is one'a them honest-to-goodness Terrytowelduls. Don't walk back there no more, you'll git kilt.

And thu tracks! You was followin a guy on a pogo stick!


Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
BEHR655 said:
Were you stoned at the time of the sighting? That could explain things. :D
It probably wasn't the Jersey Devil. He has never been known to leave the state.

There have been numerous JD sightings outside of New Jersey, especially in PA & DE. Other states have similar critters; they just call them different things.


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
nope wasnt stoned thx for the comments thou and just to tell BEhr655 you oughta read wut stu sed


New Member
Feb 21, 2005
Wall NJ
Yes the ol Jersey Devil has been seen in other states. During the Year 1909 it was said to been seen as far as Cali. (Read Phantom of the Pines.)


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
kingofthepines said:
Daddy was right. It was a hawk.

Fancy meeting you here!! ;) Back on topic, mabey it was a turkey buzzard you saw? They were plentiful back in the early half of the century and just started making a strong comeback here in New Jersey in the 90's by my visual accounts (Middletown, Monmouth County). A co-worker of mine nearly fell off his bike riding along the Henry Hudson Rails to Trails route a few years ago when he happened upon one. Came upon it eating a carcass and thought it was a dog but it spooked and scared the **** out of him when it took wing and flew off. My grandfather used to tell me the usual tall tales of them carrying off infants and pets. I passed a local farm near me and a few sit up on a fence, after day-break, with wings spread to warm themselves. Mind you these birds have around a 6' wingspan and since they prey upon carrion and what-not, it's not uncommon to see them skip around for some distance along the ground, using their feet/wings while not actually taking wing, and leaving an interesting track.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
What a terrible thread.


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Oct 19, 2004
Belleplain, NJ
kingofthepines said:
Daddy was right. It was a hawk.

Seriously, it really may have been a hawk. We get them a lot out here in Belleplain, and turkey buzzards too--they are massive birds. Along with the deer, mice, snakes, ginea (sp?) hens, feral cats...and the occasional black bear that has been seen in the past year.

Anyone for hunting?

Heather in SJ


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
what about the skull and ribs?

Yo, what about the skull and ribs, were they human or animal? If human, did you tell the cops?