I'm moving to Lacey township NJ


New Member
May 29, 2013
Hi! I have a few dogs and we just love hiking!

I'm a bit confused about how to get ON a Forked River Mountains trails. It seems like there are not many access points and many are privately owned? So far I found one possible access point is off of Bryant Road in Waretown.

I read there is another entrance off of Jones Rd in Lacey...near where I will be moving to! I can't go there yet to see in person, but I am on a hunt looking for hiking paths for me and my little pack. I would like to find some place I can go daily for an hour or two of hiking. Can I get on a trail path from Jones Rd...or is there a list of access points someone could share with me please? I would not be driving up the mountain, but parking. (no 4 wheeler)

Thanks very much in advance for kindly helping. I hail from upstate NY :)


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Hi Kira,
Welcome to the boards. I live in the Bamber section of Lacey. If you like the pines, you've picked a good spot to dwell. Where are you from upstate? We have a place in the Adirondacks, but I also do some hunting trips in the Cooperstown area and lots of fly fishing in the western Catskills. Anyway, Bryant Rd is accessible from Waretown, but it also goes all the way to 539 near Whiting, which should be closer to you. Its actually on google maps, as is Jones Rd, which might be a little trickier to reach the mountain by. Remember, our mountains aren't nearly as tall as upstate NY's :( . Almost all of the area back there is a public wildlife management area called Greenwood Forest, which happens to be the largest in the state, so no shortage of public trails and dirt roads for you and the pups. The Forked River Mt area is looked after by a coalition and Im not sure if they own it or not (Bob will chime in and give the specifics hopefully). I dont think its a problem being back there during the day and keeping things as you found them. This website has great maps too. Also off 539 is a large dirt parking lot between Whiting and rt 72. If you park and walk back there, theres some nice trails and fields to hike. Just make sure its not hunting season because there will be plenty of quail hunters (nov-jan). The pines are loaded with great hikes and canoeing rivers and this site is the best place to get any info you are looking for. Again, welcome and I hope you enjoy the move.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

Mike is right, there is no shortage of trails. Most of them are not marked. There was a post about this area recently, and the best way to explore it :D. You are mostly on your own. It is a hodgepodge of private land, county land, state land, and land owned by Conservancies such as the Nature Conservancy, the NJ Conservation Foundation, and the Forked River Mountain Coalition. I have never heard of anyone ever being hassled by going into the area and being respectfully in awe of this vast wilderness in the middle of the great eastern megolopolis.


New Member
May 29, 2013
Hello!!! I thank you both for the replies and your help...sorry for getting back so late. I took a trip about a week ago to Lacey and stopped at Wells Mills park. My goodness. The tick count was easily up to 200 on me and the dogs despite being armed with the DEET. I saw the tick warnings but thought "I'm from NY where ticks are my neighbors. I laugh at ticks ha!" I've learned my lesson and will heed the warning signs next time. I spent about 2 hours there, thinking how lovely but I shan't be going back there ever! Too hard finding them on my black collie fur type friend (spent hours with tweezers getting them out of the dogs' toes too) and they were found crawling in my bed for 3 days later, yuck.

I also explored a little bit more in Waretown, so beautiful.

But guys... is this typical in the Pines with the ticks?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Unfortunately, yes... unless you take precautions and then they needn't be much of an issue. They are plentiful in the warm weather and you should stay on trails that are well "manicured" if you want to avoid them. Even better, walk on the dirt roads where you won't brush up against any foliage.

I have found DEET based products basically useless against ticks. Better than nothing (I guess), but not much. Instead, get a Permethrin based spray and treat your clothes in advance with it. Be sure to follow the instructions EXACTLY. Never spray it on your body or on your clothes while you are wearing them. This is one product that you can get at REI or Dick's Sporting Goods: http://www.sawyer.com/tech-bugs1.html

It is highly effective against ticks if properly used. Treat your shoes, socks and pants. Shirts are optional. Be sure to tuck your pants into your socks. Tuck your shirt into your pants. Never go out into the woods wearing shorts.

I live out in the woods and am out for 1 to 2 hours every day and wander both on and off trail. I have not gotten a single bite this season. Last year I think I had two all season, both of which were removed within an hour of attaching. The permethrin actually kills the ticks when they crawl up your pants. And one treatment will last for weeks, even through a few washings. Alternately, you can buy clothes that are pre-treated. Perhaps the most important thing is to check yourself thoroughly when you return home and learn to be suspicious of anything that itches. ;)

For the long haired dog, I don't really have any suggestions. My dogs and cats were all short-haired and flea/tick collars were pretty effective although they certainly got their share of ticks anyway. I no longer have any pets, but somebody else may have some good ideas for you.

Heh... if you enjoyed the ticks, just wait a few weeks until the chiggers come out. They are much harder to prevent, and just walking across the lawn can result in a bunch of bites. Later in the summer you might want to just stick to the roads and avoid walking across anything that is green if this kind of thing bothers you. :)


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I'll second the chigger recommendation. True Piney fun :D And you don't have to wait a few weeks, they are out now!!!

Permethrin is your friend, used on clothing only. I buy the jumbo sized Sawyers bottle spray in Wally World. Do NOT apply to your furry friends. Best thing for them is Advantix II, applied once a month.

Welcome to the area, I'm just up the road from you.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Is "Wally World" Walmart? I didn't know they carried the Sawyers spray. For awhile they carried another brand, then nothing.

Yes it is. I bought it at their Lanoka Harbor store. Its not your typical WalMart, smaller and designed to fit in, not stand out. So far it does not appear they displaced any local shops, the A's hardware and Shop Rite are still doing a booming business right down/across the street from them and no traffic problems as many predicted, including me. :dance:



Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Dogs in the pines should definately wear Frontline or Adnantix. Frontline works great with my dog. If I ever do find ticks on him, they are already dead. The above advice for Sawyers on your clothing is great as well. Im more of a fall/winter hiker in the pines, as the ticks are light in the fall, and usually gone most of the winter (although this winter was mild so I can see it being a pretty tick infested summer). I tend to spend summers in a canoe or kayak if Im in the woods. I would maybe take a ride to Franklin Parker Preserve to enjoy some good hiking trails. The pines also offer the Botona Trail, which is typically through-hiked in 2-3 days, or done in seperate sections. Plenty of info on these destinations off google and on this site. Enjoy your move.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
But guys... is this typical in the Pines with the ticks?

I have to say no in my experience. The most I've ever have had on my body was 50 or so. That was after a long trip on the Basto River. I think I know what is happening. That trail is a very popular trail and the ticks sense it by detecting carbon dioxide being exhaled, and they all move close to the trail. The other way you can get a lot on you is by a group of smaller ones. The hard ticks quest as if they are ninja warriors--they wait (usually alone) on grass blades for a passerby.

Star Tree

Apr 28, 2011
200 sounds about right. The last time I dared to take the dogs on the Well Mills trails they were covered. They even had ticks between their toes.


New Member
May 24, 2013
Well, I'm starting a regimen of antibiotics for the next several weeks for a tick infection(s). Went to the docs today for testing. Still have two rings from two bites that I got a week or so ago. Damn!!!!!! My bug clothes work fine when I wear them botanizing. It's when I am doing the quick unplanned actions (like hopping out of the car to take a neat picture of an owl in trouble, or a neat sunset....) that I get in trouble. I guess I just will have to stop being impulsive. My problem with this is that it takes all the fun out of life. I like being free~~~~~~being spontaneous~~~~~~ Life is filled with enough scheduled, planned, thought-out events...... I like being free without being encumbered by the trappings of my permethian treated clothes.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Did that regimen last spring, no big deal, no ill effects.

I like being free without being encumbered by the trappings of my permethian treated clothes.

Now that makes me a bit worried. A nude botanist running loose? Wait till the chiggers find out :D


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Well, I'm starting a regimen of antibiotics for the next several weeks for a tick infection(s). Went to the docs today for testing. Still have two rings from two bites that I got a week or so ago. Damn!!!!!! My bug clothes work fine when I wear them botanizing. It's when I am doing the quick unplanned actions (like hopping out of the car to take a neat picture of an owl in trouble, or a neat sunset....) that I get in trouble. I guess I just will have to stop being impulsive. My problem with this is that it takes all the fun out of life. I like being free~~~~~~being spontaneous~~~~~~ Life is filled with enough scheduled, planned, thought-out events...... I like being free without being encumbered by the trappings of my permethian treated clothes.

I always hear that the rings take quite a while to show up. One week seems highly unusual.

Don't stop being impulsive. Jessica's lint roller trick is the greatest thing going. She routinely brings it out and rolls it all over her and you would be surprised how many ticks it finds that the eye can't easily see. So keep one in your car, and after jumping out to get a photograph use it before you close the door to head on. It even works quite well with chiggers.
