Incident in the pines?


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Today I was driving North on 563 when a big, unmarked black SUV came roaring up behind me and flashed police lights which were hidden behind the grill as it passed. He was followed immediately by an unmarked tan Crown Vic with similar flashing lights. A few miles up ahead I saw them pulled over in Maxwell, at the intersection of 563 and Iron Pipe Road where there was a Trooper in a marked car:

Continuing North, another marked state police car was flying down 563 South to meet them. Then when I turned on 679 I saw yet another marked State Police car headed towards 563. None of these cars had sirens going.

Anybody know what that was all about? No sign of an auto accident or anything, and no cars on the road except me and all the troopers. Strange...


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Maybe the governor deciding which park to close. He was visiting Wharton today :)



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Interesting! When I saw that big black SUV speeding down the road, my first thought was that it was the Governor. So you're probably right...


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Interesting! When I saw that big black SUV speeding down the road, my first thought was that it was the Governor. So you're probably right...

Let me say that I was just joking when I said he was visiting Wharton today. I was just thinking that it may have been him. I should have written that differently.



Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Haha, I wondered about that after I responded.

So I wonder wtf was actually going on there. It certainly looked like the kind of big black SUV you'd expect a VIP to travel in. But it was only going maybe 70mph so I guess it couldn't have been Corzine :)

Certainly odd to see 5 police cars gathered at Iron Pipe road with nobody else in sight...


New Member
A few weeks ago I was on 563 coming from 72 heading to Chatsworth. I saw Troopers on the side of the road every mile or so, and a groups of them at intersections. I had no clue what was going on until I passed a bar on the right that had 30-40 motorcycles parked outside. Past the bar were about another 6-8 Troopers on the side of the road.
I thought they were getting ready to raid the bar, so I turned around and headed back to the bar. As I was turning in the parking lot the cycles were lining up to pull out. Two trucks pulled out first to stop traffic both ways, then they all started pulling out. A few Troopers pulled up and watched (as I did from the lot) all the cycles drive off. The rest of the Troopers that were south pulled up, and they all followed the cycles. They didn’t pull anyone over. They just followed them. It looked like a big parade.